Why You Should Try Wearing a Mask While Working Out


Trying new things can be undoubtedly daunting. The unfamiliar makes us nervous in a way that’s hard to describe. The act of leaving our comfort zone puts us in a vulnerable position, and leaves us with an onslaught of questions running through our heads.

All too often we let the fear of the unknown stop us. But pushing ourselves out of our comfort zones is actually good for us. Trying new things not only helps us to vanquish those fears, but it also allows us to expand our minds and learn—both about said new thing, and about ourselves.

The possibilities are absolutely endless when it comes to trying something new, and whether it’s a big or small leap outside your comfort zone you’ll still reap the benefits.

For those of you staying home because you simply resist the idea of wearing a mask while working out (and have no medical/airway limitations/not high risk/no other reason for not wanting to train onsite) we encourage you to just try it twice before making a final decision. When you’re ready, we will welcome you with all the love and gratitude for just giving it a try.

Remember we’ve been wearing these for a year. This is nothing new. So, if you’re ready to break up your Groundhog Day at-home routine, get in some serious human connection, boost your mental fitness, and experience an EPIC sweat sesh, we’ll be here waiting for you!

You may come to realize it isn’t as bad as you initially thought. The benefits of breaking out of our shelter and stay life is essential for our mental health. When you arrive, you can be at peace knowing that your health is our top priority.

If you are currently on hold or virtual only and would like to give an in-person class a try please reach out to Molly and she will add you into a class so you can see for yourself how great it is to be back!

Molly Kieland