THE RESET Coming to FH June 14th!

Begins June 14th, 2021
Program runs for 10 weeks
Meets on Mondays from 6pm-7:30pm on ZOOM

Come to our informational ZOOM meet-n-greet on Monday, May 24th @6pm to meet our facilitators and learn about The Reset! Please RSVP in ZenPlanner!

THE RESET is a 10-week live, online & interactive series helping over-it achievers get unstuck so you can avoid burnout, remember who you are, and get curious about who you could be.

Are you ready to...

Throw out the shoulds, coulds, and maybes?

Know who you are and what you want?

Become a person whose tiny voice says: “You’re cool. You’re smart. You’re great.”

How it works

All you have to do is show up by following these steps below:

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What you get

Group with max 10 people

Ten 90-minute ZOOM sessions on Mondays from 6-7:30pm

​A super cool workbook with all prompts for The Reset  (so you can revisit them for the rest of your life)

PLUS: Six months of access to the Container Community

  • our private Facebook group 

  • weekly Check-Ins

  • monthly Containers

  • pop-up Containers

Some highlights:

  • All you're committing to is 90 minute sessions 1x / week. No homework, no reading, no guilt. Just show up.

  • Sharing is completely voluntary. No one will call on you. No one will ask you to share anything personal. No one is asking to hear your secrets. Speak as you choose.

  • This is not therapy. We facilitate - we do not coach, teach, offer feedback, or probe. We create the space and provide the questions - you do you.

Each Container is your party. You can't do it right or wrong. You can't be bad at it. We want you to make it your own, so you get what you need most out of it.

Not sure The Reset is for you?

Try out The Preset. A 45-minute meet-n-greet, informational and interactive session to get grounded, check-in with yourself, and get the feel for whether THE RESET is for you.

Preset Informational: Monday, May 24th @ 6pm on ZOOM

Who the heck is running this show?

Molly Kieland