MAIN GOAL: To accomplish “Simple” by my 40th (Nov 9th)! (Beth actually accomplished Simple on November 1st, 2020 just days before her 40th)!


Where can you be found outside of the gym?
Hiking, at playgrounds with my kids, in my kitchen cooking while drinking wine, beer, or tequila on those really rough days.

What do you do for a living?
I‘m an HR leader (people geek). After a decade+ in tech M&A, I've gone out on my own and am currently consulting for Seattle based startups on all things people and work-culture.

What are your hobbies?
Hiking, camping, cooking, eating, laughing, reading, listening to EDM really loud and spontaneous dance parties with my small humans.

What brought you to FH in the first place?
I moved up to Seattle from Portland. In Portland, I was going to a FH-like gym and working with a trainer. She encouraged me to find another gym that felt right upon my move. I was hesitant I could find one as I was (and still am) not super into the general energy of 'typical' KB/weight lifting gyms. So... I did a google search of what was close to our then-house. Told myself I would just go try a few out (like dating) and see if there was a place that felt right. The first gym I tried was FH and I never looked back.

How are we so lucky you picked us (what are your favorite things about FH)?
Molly. The trainers. The humility of the community. The spirit of the community. How it's about moving our bodies and feeling strong instead of the should of, could of, would of exercise. It's truly a special place where I feel I can show up however I am that day and will absolutely feel better when I leave (this applies to virtual workouts too).

What programs are you currently involved in at FH (group classes, individualized program design, personal training, nutrition?) and why?
I just completed an individualized program design with Zen-Master himself, Brian, and hit the Simple goal! woot! I am now shifting back to in-person classes as I contemplate my next goal.

How would you describe working with Coach Brian?

What makes you commit to training even on days you don't feel like it?
It has been a process for me to get here, but now I know deep inside that I ALWAYS feel better after a workout. So, on those days when I just don't want to, I tell myself - one step at a time. Get dressed. Then start moving. 100% of the time once I'm actually moving I feel so darn good I can't even remember why I wasn't motivated to start. I used to take that lack of motivation on any given day as an excuse to not show up. I no longer give myself the latitude.

What's your favorite movement/exercise?
I love ball slams. In my head, I actually call them Mothers-In-Law. Ask me why some time :)

What have been your “bright spots” (PRs or accomplishments are you most proud of)?
Establishing a really consistent routine that works with my life - kids, work, partner, rest. Simple! I turn 40 on Nov 9 and have a goal to feel good in my mind, body, and spirit by then. It’s happened. I am grateful.

How have these accomplishments affected your life?
I am happier than I've ever been.

What’s on your general bucket list for life?
Travel as often and as far and wide as possible. It fuels me. Hike the PCT with my husband.

Tell us a little known fact about yourself or what’s something most people don’t know about you?
I am the youngest of 4 siblings all born within 5.5 years. I am scrappy and resourceful. Watch out!

What's your favorite thing about being a FUELhouse athlete?
I feel supported right where I am. Not that I need to be or do anything different. That's a special thing in a fitness environment.

What was your first impression of FH? How has that changed?
It's not about the fitness goals it's about the community. The goals come as a result of the community. Nothing has changed. That remains true and I believe it is directly attributable to Molly's vision and leadership.

Any advice for new or potential members of FUELhouse or those getting back into a training/nutrition routine?
Identify just one thing you can do today to start the process. Don't let the enormity of the end goal get in your way. You can do anything you put your mind to!

If you are struggling with your fitness right now, this is the time to take action and ask for help. You don’t have to do this alone! We offer all solutions for our remote, at-home clients, to our friends who would like to train onsite at FUELhouse.

Molly Kieland