Member Spotlight: Ian and Zoe MacMillan

Ian (left) and Zoe (right)

Meet August’s Epic MemberS of the month: Ian and Zoe!
This month we’re highlighting father and daughter duo, Ian and Zoe MacMillan! Ian started at FUELhouse in November 2021 with our Private Foundations series, while Zoe kicked off her time here privately training with Coach Jeremy in December. Ian has been consistently attending classes ever since and getting stronger by the day/week/month. Zoe works hard with Coach Jeremy when she’s not kicking butt at rowing and being a HS student! It’s been so fun to see a family work hard together. We loved it when they would come into the gym together….Ian would work hard in class while Zoe trained with Coach Jeremy! So cool! The coaches noticed as well…

“Ian is a such a fun person to coach. He soaks it all in and it’s so great seeing him get freakin strong!” — Coach Dre

“Zoe is a great kid. She's always engaged and seems to really enjoy the learning aspect of being somewhat new to strength & conditioning.” — Coach Jeremy

Seriously, keep reading below to learn more about your EPIC memberS of the month. They both give great advice and share some really fun facts about themselves :)


Ian MacMillan

Zoe MacMillan

Preferred pronoun(s):

Ian: He/Him

Zoe: she/her

Social Media:

Ian: IG: @ianseattle FB: @ianmacm


Ian: Real Estate Broker

Zoe: High school student

Where can you be found outside of the gym? What do you do for a living?

Ian: When I'm not selling homes in the Greater Seattle area, I can be found hanging out with my wife Melissa and daughter Zoe in Phinney Ridge, out camping in our '87 VW Westfalia, or playing guitar/enjoying live music.

Zoe: School work and rowing for Greenlake! Nothing for a living yet! :)

What are your hobbies?

Ian: see above

Zoe: Sewing, listening to music, reading, and rowing!

What brought you to FH in the first place?

Ian: After the pandemic and a very busy year of real estate, I really needed to make exercise a priority in my life and be around a community of fitness again.

Zoe: My dad was really enjoying his time at FH and during my off season he suggested that I do some personal training!


How are we so lucky you picked us (what are your favorite things about FH)?

Ian: FH has such a great vibe. The coaches are incredible, the space is awesome. In group classes, I love that everyone is friendly, but they are there to get after it. I love the intensity and focused effort that everyone puts in.

Zoe: Even from my short time there I can tell that its a really close knit community. Jeremy always knew everyone who came into the gym and everyone just seemed really kind of supportive. All of the instructures also seem amazing!


What sports or fitness things did you do before FH?

Ian: I've never been great at sports, but I've always enjoyed lifting weights. I've done some FMS training in the past that was a great foundation for what we do at FH.

Zoe: Rowing!


What programs are you currently involved in at FH and why? 

Ian: I loved starting at the gym with a Foundations course with Coach Dre. I've been doing group classes ever since.

Zoe: I only did personal training over winter but I would definitely do it again!


What goals are you working towards and/or what’s on your FH bucket list of things you’d like to accomplish?

Ian: My biggest goal is consistency and longevity. I want to do this for the rest of my life.

Zoe: Most of my athletic goals are related to crew but I would love to be able to do a pull up soon!


What makes you commit to training even on days you don't feel like it? 

Ian: I just know that if I can get myself to class, the rest will take care of itself!

Zoe: The community!


What's your favorite movement/exercise?

Ian: I do love a TGU! Overall, I truly feel that kettlebell training is a gift in my life. Endlessly challenging and satisfying. Demanding that you give your complete mind, muscles and nervous system.

Zoe: Rowing!


What have been your “bright spots” (PRs or accomplishments are you most proud of)?  

Ian: I take the most pride in technique. If Sokol or Patrick says a movement looked good, I feel a great sense of accomplishment.

Zoe: I was really proud the first time I did a deadlift and other workouts with heavier weights because that was just never something I thought I would do or enjoy!


How have these accomplishments affected your life?

Ian: The calm and confidence that working out consistently gives me is priceless. I feel like I've broken through to levels of fitness that I didn't know were possible for me.

Zoe: They’ve given me more confidence to try new things and learn new skills!

What is on your general bucket list for life?

Ian: Play guitar in a garage band. Ski every winter. Be healthy, vibrant and a good person to be around for my family and community as long as I possibly can!

Zoe: I’d love to travel more as I get older.

Tell us a little known fact about yourself or what’s something most people don’t know about you?

Ian: I split my chin open when I slipped running up a wet playground slide when I was a kid and my dad super-glued it back together instead of getting stitches.

Zoe: I really love old music!


What's your favorite thing about being a FUELhouse member?

Ian: Having a positive center of gravity in my life

Zoe: The community and general energy!


What was your first impression of FH?  How has that changed?

Ian: A bit daunted, wondering if I could hack it. In awe of some the some of the weights others were using. Now: I'm in the groove and can't stay away.

Zoe: I didn’t know much about it but the space itself seemed amazing. That’s definitely held true but I’ve also learned much more about the people that really make the gym special.


What advice do you have for new (or experienced!) new friends trying out FH?

Ian: Jump in! The water is fine and the coaches are watching your back. You'll be amazed at the progress you can make.

Zoe: Don’t be afraid to try new things and dont get discouraged when you dont pick them up immediately!

Hayley Magwire