May 2023 Members of the Month: Tom & Kellen

Meet May’s Epic Members of the month: Thomas (Tom) Susman & Kellen Rosenfelder
Tom and Kellen have been with FUELhouse since 2018 shortly after they moved to Seattle. They started with group classes and moved to partner training with Coach Dre in 2020 with a mix of open gym and group classes. They are dedicated to their practice and each hold one another accountable. Check out what our coaches have to say about these two…

“They are quiet but MIGHTY! I always appreciate how hard they work, and they are so incredibly kind!” — Coach Abbey

“Tom & Kellen are both incredibly kind, consistent, & strong. They’re great examples of what is possible when you plan the work & work the plan! I love hearing about their wins, whether it’s from them directly or from Coach Dre being unable to hold back her own excitement for their success!” — Coach Brian

“We are so grateful for their loyalty to our FH community and to their personal health and fitness goals. I am always so impressed at their consistency. Even when work/travel can interrupt day to day routine they still strive to move their bodies.” — Coach Molly

Kellen: he is always laughing and having fun during his sets, but don’t let that fool you that he is not pushing and crushing it- because he is.
Tom: on the other hand is serious when training, because he’s serious about training! He is achieving big things! But don’t let him fool you because once you chat him up he’ll start laughing with you :)
It’s just too bad they have too many fun travel plans and don’t come in more often!” — Coach Kari

Keep reading to learn more about these two lovely humans.

Names: Tom Susman & Kellen Rosenfelder

Pronoun(s): Tom: He/Him/His / Kellen: He/Him


Tom: Director of Risk Intelligence, Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation

Kellen: Product Manager

IG: Tom: @tomsusman / Kellen: @krosenfelder

Where can you be found outside of the gym? What do you do for a living?

Tom: As part of my work at the Gates Foundation, I travel a lot internationally to oversee the security of the Foundation’s offices, events, and operations around the world. Recent trips have taken me to Nigeria, Senegal and Germany. When in Seattle (and not at FH), Kellen and I love to try new restaurants in Ballard and Fremont, and spending time at events at the Rainier Club downtown. Most often you will see us in Fremont walking our dog George.

Kellen: I am a technology consultant that specializes is product management. You can usually find me researching or testing new technologies to determine how they can help solve complex business problems in new ways. You will usually find me walking our dog, George around Fremont. Or with a glass of wine spending time with friends and family.

What are your hobbies?

Tom: Cooking; Current Events junkie; Exploring new wine and bourbon

Kellen: Baking, Skiing, Reading, Finding new wine to try.

What brought you to FH in the first place?

Tom: I started training at a StrongFirst gym in Alexandria, VA in 2015. When we moved to Seattle in 2018, I was looking for a place that specialized in hardstyle kettlebells. Lucky for me, Fuelhouse was close by!

Kellen: We had recently moved to Seattle and we wanted a gym that specialized in kettlebells.


How are we so lucky you picked us (what are your favorite things about FH)?

Tom: I love the mix of classes and personal training at Fuelhouse. The coaches do a great job in both training formats to keep me focused on always improving my movements and getting stronger. I also like that I have been able to expand beyond kettlebell movements to getting much more experience in barbell work, which I had never done before Fuelhouse.

Kellen: I enjoy the welcoming space the team creates. You instantly feel as if you’ve been going there for years.


What sports or fitness things did you do before FH?

Tom: Prior to Fuelhouse, I trained in kettlebells and ran for cardio.

Kellen: Before FH I would mostly run and do Triathlons.


What programs are you currently involved in at FH and why? 

Tom: Right now I am involved in partner training with Dre and the group classes. I am a huge fan of this combination, since Dre helps structure my training to focus on current goals, and I can always adjust the movements in class to meet my overall training plan. I also really appreciate the accountability and results I get from both the classes and training with Dre.

Kellen: I enjoy personal training with Dre, group classes, and love some open gym time.


What goals are you working towards and/or what’s on your FH bucket list of things you’d like to accomplish?

Tom: For sure my bucket list goal is Simple. I have been working on getting there for so long, and I’m hoping that some newfound shoulder mobility will help me get over the hump on the get-ups. Other goals right now include rebuilding some overhead strength building additional endurance.

Kellen: I’m working towards a PR for my bench press and getting to Simple.


What makes you commit to training even on days you don't feel like it? 

Tom: Having a clear plan from Dre helps for sure (as does only being a 5 min walk from the gym!)

Kellen: My husband telling me I still need to go.


What's your favorite movement/exercise?

Tom: Deadlift and kb swings

Kellen: Deadlift and OH press


What have been your “bright spots” (PRs or accomplishments are you most proud of)?  

Tom: When I started at Fuelhouse, my deadlift PR was around 230. This past month I did a 3-rep max on the deadlift at 320, which feels like a huge increase! I have made big gains on my swings and pull-ups too in my time at FH.

Kellen: My bright spots is that am stronger than ever. I was always intimidated by weight lifting until FH. I am lifting weights I never thought I would in my life.


How have these accomplishments affected your life?

Tom: I am much stronger today than I was five years ago, that is for sure. Especially now that I am over 40, I am reminded that staying consistent on fitness is even more important for feeling good in my day to day life.

Kellen: I have a greater sense of fitness accomplishment and feel more confident in my ability to lift heavy weights.

What is on your general bucket list for life?

Tom: I have travel destinations still on my bucket list (French Polynesia, Spanish wine lands, etc) and generally feel a strong drive to see and experience as many different cultures and places as possible.

Kellen: Trip to Antarctica

Tell us a little known fact about yourself or what’s something most people don’t know about you?

Tom: In my previous job in DC, I spent some time traveling with President Obama providing support on national security issues.

Kellen: I bake some amazing cookies.

What's your favorite thing about being a FUELhouse member?

Tom: The coaches and community! We were totally new to Seattle in 2018, and Fuelhouse played a huge role is helping us find our place in the city.

Kellen: The coaching staff


What was your first impression of FH?  How has that changed?

Tom: I came to Fuelhouse initially for its focus on kettlebell movements, but have stayed because of the strong community and awesome coaches.

Kellen: I’ve appreciated the consistent sense of community that is FH. It’s great to see the same people stay with FH year after year.

What advice do you have for new (or experienced!) new friends trying out FH?

Tom: If you can, supplement your group classes with personal training or small groups. It’s amazing how much the extra support from these programs will accelerate your progress! Also, don’t be afraid to ask for mods. The coaches can always adjust movements to meet you where you are each day.

Kellen: Don’t be afraid to drive right in.

Hayley Magwire