Loud Love


It’s a choice to lead loudly with love but man it’s hard sometimes isn’t it when all you want to do is rage or retreat? We’re all feeling so much around the #BLM movement on top of navigating through a pandemic. Today, I woke up exhausted, sad, completely drained, scared, uneducated, confused, mad, anxious.... and, HOLY SHIT, I know you’re feeling it too. These are a lot of feelings to have all at once. 

While brushing my teeth this morning I turned on the #dailystoic# daniellelaporte and #quoteoftheday podcasts looking for inspiration and hope. It helped. It helped to be reminded that I am in control of my thoughts and my words (wish I remembered this every time I messed up my words in the past). Deep breath. After listening to this mornings messages, I took another deep breath, looked at my dog and said out loud, “we gotta lead with love buddy.”

I’ve been the first to admit to my team that it starts with me. In order to have meaningful conversations you must first nurture a growth mindset. I have so much room to grow so I can be a better leader. A better human. I am a jumbo size sponge and I’m learning so much from so many especially in the last two weeks around #BLM. Todays rant is to just say “thank you”, all of you, for your grace and leading into discussions with love on the brain and in your heart. I’m asking questions. I’m listening. WE are listening💛

Molly Kieland