FH OPEN 21.1


FUELhouse Open 21.1
As Many Reps as Possible in 15 Minutes (If all 605 reps are completed in less than 15 minutes, record time in notes section).

1 IWHRPU*, 10 Double Unders
3 IWHRPU, 30 Double Unders
6 IWHRPU, 60 Double Unders
9 IWHRPU, 90 Double Unders
15 IWHRPU, 150 Double Unders
21 IWHRPU, 210 Double Unders

*IWHRPU = Inchworm Hand Release Push Up (RX/Prescribed):


  1. Scaled: Replace Double Unders with Singles

  2. No Equipment Option: Replace Jump Rope with Lateral Line Jumps (over and back = 1 rep)

  3. Upper Extremity Modification: Replace IWHRPU with 1 Set of Alternating Lunges + Squat Jump

Molly Kieland