FH OPEN 21.2


Happy FH Open 21.2 release day!

👉 In the photo you'll see the prescribed (Rx) version. KB Rx = 24kg/16kg and Box Height = 24"/20". Below are 2 alternative options; scaled & no equipment.

👉 Today’s general warm-up is focused on warming up the shoulders, chest, hamstrings, and back.

👉 These areas will be put to the test today with high volume snatches and box jumps.

👉 This workout comes down to pacing and resisting the urge to go out of the gates too hot!

👉 Don't worry about what comes next. Focus on completing the set at hand; one rep at a time.

1️⃣ Scaled Modifications:

  • Replace KB 1Arm Swings for Snatches

  • Replace KB for a DB Snatch (35lbs/20lbs)

  • Replace Box Jumps for Step Ups

2️⃣ No Equipment Modifications:

  • Replace DB with a can of soup

  • Replace Box Jumps with Tuck Jumps or Burpee Broad Jumps (36” distance)

Remember to track your results in the ZenPlanner Member app and please make sure to select the “Rx” button ONLY if you are doing the prescribed version. Otherwise please unselect Rx and make notes of the scaled version you performed.

Make sure to slow it down afterwards with our suggested cool down:

  • 1 Minute Cat/Cow Stretch

  • 1 Minute Alternating Between Child’s Pose and Cobra

  • 1:00/Side Scorpion Stretch

Molly Kieland