“Success seems to be connected to action. Successful people keep moving. They make mistakes, but they don't quit.” - Denzel Washington


Welcome to the 1st Annual FH Intramural Open. It's time to kick off the Spring season and celebrate fitness with our community. This is a powerful moment to test yourself, gauge your training, and make adjustments for the future. Or to just have fun. Remember you signed up because you wanted to be part of a team… be a part of something bigger than YOU! You signed up to come together with like minded humans, to meet new friends, to find accountability, to accelerate your training and to have a boat load of fun.

Whether you train with us onsite or virtually, take the time to appreciate YOU, this step you’ve taken to focus on your fitness, our community and how strong the bonds are that connect us through FUELhouse.

During this time we hope you remain open to learning new things about your body and your capabilities. We hope you take your health seriously…your sleep, mindset, movement and nutrition should be your top priorities during this time because not only are YOU counting on YOU, but your team is also counting on you! If you need help in the consistency department or need any help in the areas mentioned above remember you have 4 Team Captains who are here to support YOU! Do not ghost us. We will find you (said in a loving voice;).

Let’s have some fun!




How to score the highest points for your team! Remember- they are counting on you! All points will be tracked on our Team Trackers hanging on the wall at the gym as well as in ZenPlanner.  Reserving for classes is how you earn points as well as showing team spirit and camaraderie.  Here is what you need to know and track:

  • +1 Point (individual attendance) F-Th Attendance: one point/teammate for every attended class/pt session each week between F-Th.  These must be reserved and checked off in ZenPlanner.

    • If you attend 2 classes on the same day = 2 points for your team (Private training sessions onsite or virtually count!)

    • Pre-recorded classes do not count.

    • To get a point you must RSVP in ZenPlanner, check-in, and show up for your LIVE in-person or virtual class. If you forget to RSVP we will not be able to go back and add you to a class. In-person attendees must track their point on their team poster. For our virtual friends, your FH Coach that hour will mark your attendance on your team poster for you.

    • Honor System: if you know in advance that you will not be attending a Friday class but want to complete the Friday WOD and track your results in ZenPlanner then you must RSVP in the ZenPlanner virtual class option for that Friday to receive your point.

  • +1 Point – (theme) Theme Tuesdays: Show your spirit and collect a point when you dress in that day’s theme while attending any virtual or in-person class.  Each person receives a point for their team for participating in our themed Tuesday attire.  In-person attendees must track their point on their team poster. For our virtual friends, your FH Coach that hour will mark your attendance on your team poster for you.

  • +2 Points - (weekly team attendance)- The team with the highest cumulative weekly attendance receives two extra points to their overall score.  FUELhouse will be tracking this and announcing every Friday!

  • +1-2 Point (“Public Displays of FH”) - Your team has the opportunity to receive 1-2 extra bonus points to your total. You can only complete up to two weekly challenges within that same week. A week is F-Th. Must use #fhopen2021, tag @fuelhousegym and # your team name in every Instagram post *see details below.

  • We may throw out the occasional bonus surprise point challenge.

We will be recognizing weekly, the top team and individual based on points earned as well as weekly PR’s!

*Public Displays of FH

Photo and/or video proof is required and must be posted on Instagram (if you do not use social media then just make sure you’ve delegated to the proper captain to post for your team to receive credit).  All challenges are ideally performed wearing a FH shirt/swag if possible. Must post challenge proof on IG and tag @fuelhousegym with your team hashtag ie: #gorillagrip and #fhopen2021 on any teammates Instagram Feed. Only two challenges per week can be performed for credit or 8 total challenges (you have a choice from 9 options below). Dates performed should be within the week of the “Open”. So complete between F-Th and post by Thursday of that same week.  The purpose of this is to build relationships with the people on your team, promote our gym, etc. Have fun with it!

  1. Volunteer 2 teammates (this can include your team captains) from your team to perform the FH Open Standards WOD on a Thursday at 10am or 1:30pm onsite at FH for our members to view in prep for Friday's open WOD. This will take a max of 10 minutes since you are only performing the recap video and not the entire WOD. Just coordinate with Molly- molly@fuelhousegym.com. (Proof: Live!). The first to reach out is the first in line.

  2. An off site gathering following current Covid protocols with at least 4 members of your team- be creative! (Parking lot biscuit party after a Sat Class, gathering at local brewery, outdoor patio, local hike/snowshoe) . (Proof: Photo evidence!)

  3. Decorate 3+ vehicles of team members- EX: “FUELhouse Rocks, Go “Booty and the Beasts”. (Proof: Photo/video evidence)

  4. 3+ team members do a collection for a local organization (nursing home, animal shelter, food bank, goodwill, etc) and do a drop off wearing FH OPEN or FH Swag. (Proof: Picture/Video)

  5. 3+ Team Members Create a 30-60 sec promo AD or Commercial for FUELhouse. (Topic: What I love about FH, or how would you encourage someone to give us a try who might be scared, or how FH helped you stay mentally and physically strong during the pandemic, etc). (Proof-Post with your team hashtag)

  6. YOU DECIDE= (3+ teammates) in FH Gear doing ________! (Proof- video/photo)

  7. 3+ team members- Create and perform a 5 min amrap using only one piece of equipment wearing your FH Swag! (Proof- Video and photos)

  8. 3+ team members- Perform 15 Burpees with as many members of your team! (Someone's house, FH Parking lot, simultaneous on ZOOM/Google Chat recorded- have fun with it!) (Proof: Video)

  9. YOU DECIDE= (3+ teammates) in FH Gear doing ________! (Proof- video/photo)

Track your results in ZENPLANNER:

  1. Click on the Z in the top left corner.

  2. Click Workouts.

  3. This will bring you to today's workout.

  4. Click on + Log Results

*If you perform the RX make sure you select that option. All participants must enter in their reps and time completed. If you complete all reps within the time cap, please mark your time in the notes!  If you performed any scaled option please specify which option in the notes.

In order to view the leaderboard for each workout:

  1. Navigate to Today's Workout

  2. Click Leaderboard

  3. You'll be taken to the Overall leaderboard and see your peers results and your personal results highlighted in red!

If you perform the RX make sure you select that option. All participants must enter in their reps completed. If you complete all reps within the time cap, please mark your time in the notes!  If you performed any scaled option please specify which option in the notes.

Molly Kieland