SHARE YOUR STORY: Meet Mele, PT Client + Group Class Member
NAME: Mele Winn, 34
Who is your FH Personal Trainer/Coach?
Coach Tiff
Tell us why you decided to invest in personal training or online remote coaching.
Like many folks, I was extremely anxious during the lockdown. I reached out to Coach Tiff because after being sedentary for 3 months, something had to change.
How has Your Coach helped you with your health/fitness journey? What goals have you reached and have you established new goals?
I came to Coach Tiff with two main goals - getting stronger and establishing a fitness baseline that supports my outdoor hobbies, mainly hiking and backpacking. Not only am I physically stronger, but I am also emotionally and mentally stronger as a result of Coach's Tiff training. In late August, I went on two strenuous backpacking trips within the same week, which in the past would destroy me. I had a great time on both trips and was in awe of how much progress I had made in my conditioning within 3 months. Again, all the credit goes to Coach Tiff!
What is your favorite thing or the benefits you'd like to share about Personal Training? Has it changed the way you feel about yourself and your abilities? If so, how?
My favorite thing is the real-time feedback on my form which is especially important to me because I tend to question whether my form is correct or not. I really appreciated Coach Tiff's feedback when training with kettlebells because I was not familiar with using these at all. Now I feel like a total bad-axx when I train with kettlebells!
Any advice for new or potential members of FUELhouse or those getting back into a training routine?
Take it slow and don't be discouraged. Strive for progress, not perfection.
Is there anything else that you would like to mention about your Personal Training experience?
Not only is Coach Tiff an amazing coach and trainer, but she is also all-around a kind and positive person. I look forward to each session!