Our Values



The purpose of our core values is to help define the standards we hold ourselves to as an organization and as individuals at FUELHOUSE (FH). These values help define what is most important to us as a team and can be used as a guideline for making both large and small decisions for what happens at FH.


  1. EMPOWER: We strive to ignite a sense of strength, determination, and success that contributes to a higher quality of life for others and ourselves.  We strive to be our best self on and off the gym floor, driven by a belief that movement can improve lives.

  2. PASSION: (people first): FH is more than just a gym, we build community and foster a lifelong love of our family.  Our goal is to earn our members’ trust and respect through our high standards of professionalism.

  3. INCLUSIVE: FH is a HOME for all, regardless of our backgrounds, beliefs, or identity.  Our goals are to lead by example and provide support, outside of fitness, for our FH community in becoming more respectful, progressive, and inclusive by nurturing the pillars of life that keep us grounded (health, wealth, hope/spirituality, career, fun, physical environment, relationships, giving, and personal growth).  Working towards an inclusive environment allows us to do the most amount of good for the most amount of people and helps cultivate a dynamic and diverse community.

  4. CULTIVATING GROWTH: Cultivating a growth mindset reflects our belief that we always have the capacity to improve personally and professionally. As a staff, we aim to continuously improve our understanding of movement and training practices.  But, we also nudge each other to nurture the pillars of life, outside of fitness, that keep us grounded, which in turn improves our capacity as coaches. It is our belief that when our staff is constantly seeking opportunities to grow, all aspects of our operation improve, from classes and services to facilities and systems -- and most importantly, the experience of our members.


OUR PURPOSE: to lead, grow, support, and promote happiness by coaching the pillars that make up the SEMM model (Sleep, eat, mindset, movement).

2020 GOAL: Our goal is to increase participation, appeal, and relevancy of all forms of FH services and our partner services to existing, new, and returning participants.

Molly Kieland