September Members of the Month: Lauren Bell & Derek

Meet September’s Epic Members of the month: Lauren Bell and Derek Burkhardsmeier

Lauren and Derek joined FUELhouse just over a year ago; in July of 2022! They kicked things off with partner foundations together, then moved into group classes, and eventually small group training. Lauren kicked ass in the Lifter small group in May of this year, and Derek will be adding the Lifter small group to his FH resume this month! Lauren and Derek have both achieved so much in their first year at FUELhouse; it truly shows what consistency can achieve. While Lauren was PRing in her Lifter group, Derek was preparing for the Obliteride which took place in August. He was on hold with FH during this time and we think it’s so rad that he dedicated these hours to such an amazing feat and cause! In Derek’s words: “Obliteride is an annual 100 mile bike ride in support of Fred Hutch cancer research. This was my first time riding 100 miles so a lot of long distance training went in during the past few months. I’m returning to FH next week and I signed up for Sokol’s lifter program! Seeing Lauren’s success in the program made me want to do it.” I think we’ve unlocked a new saying: Couples that inspire each other, stay together 🥰

Check out what some of the FH coaches had to say about these inspiring humans:

I had the privilege of working with both of these individuals during foundations. They both came in with a great work ethic and super excited to learn. As I’m not here as much in the evening, I don’t get to see them as often as I’d like, but I always love it when they do. Every time I get to witness a class they are taking I get to watch all the progress they have made in their strength and fitness journey and I love to see it! I love their smiles and friendly attitudes. - Coach Kathryn

I don’t get to coach them very often, but they seem to love barbells which is enough for me! - Coach Kari

I had Lauren in my May ‘23 Lifter group and she was amazing. She always showed up with a smile ready to work. She’s extremely coachable and is a very fast learner. Her attention to detail and her willingness to test her self insured that she got amazing results. It’s been a while but I’ve had Derek and some of my Kettlebell classes and he shows up with the same attitude as Lauren. Ready to work and ready to learn. Great humans! - Coach Sokol

Lauren is almost always in Saturday's barbell class, you can count on her to have a positive attitude and a great work ethic! Derek has taken a handful of my classes as well and he's awesome, the two are model students. - Coach Vincent

I knew they’d be good people when I found out we went to the same college, and boy was I right! They always show up ready to work and have the best smiles. Much love to them! - Coach Abbey

Continue reading below to learn all about Lauren and Derek!


Lauren Bell

Derek Burkhardsmeier


Lauren: she/her

Derek: he/him


Lauren: Product Manager for Microsoft

Derek: UX designer

Find them on IG: 

Lauren: @lbell0414

Derek: @Derekb12r

Where can you be found outside of the gym? What do you do for a living?

Lauren: Outside of the gym I can be found wine tasting with friends, exploring new restaurants with Derek, traveling and hanging out with our dog, Ayda! I work for Microsoft as a product manager on SharePoint infrastructure.

Derek: I work on the Alexa mobile app for Amazon

What are your hobbies?

Lauren: My biggest hobby is definitely reading. I bring my Kindle everywhere with me in case I have some down time. Other hobbies include playing board games, doing puzzles and generally exploring outside.

Derek: Video games, biking, woodworking

What brought you to FH in the first place?

Lauren: My story may be a little different than most, but in the couple of years leading up to Fuelhouse, I took a break from formal exercise and gyms to work on my relationship with food and movement. In summer of 2022, I was ready to reintroduce a consistent exercise routine into my life, so I went in search of a gym that would not only provide a great workout, but one that had a great community and was supportive of my personal goals and journey. A quick 20-minute intro with Coach Brian, and I knew I found my place!

Derek: Lauren discovered FH and I wanted to challenge myself and do an activity with her


How are we so lucky you picked us (what are your favorite things about FH)?

Lauren: Hands down my favorite thing is the community of amazing coach and members. I look forward to seeing familiar faces in group classes. Second would be the variety of offerings. I recently did the Lifter program with Coach Sokol and loved it. Finally, I love the fun events that are hosted including the women's month workout and the strength challenges. It's not often you find a gym where people can enjoy a glass of wine or beer together after a tough workout :)

Derek: Group classes and amazing coaches


What sports or fitness things did you do before FH?

Lauren: Before Fuelhouse, I did OrangeTheory Fitness on and off for a couple of years, tired a few barre workouts and also have used the Peloton bike on and off. None of it was super consistent until I started at Fuelhouse.

Derek: Soccer, Biking


What programs are you currently involved in at FH and why? 

Lauren: Group classes

Derek: Group classes. I enjoy the variety of workouts done in the class and the members all challenging themselves to their own goals. [author edit: Derek will start Lifter on September 5th with Coach Sokol!]


What goals are you working towards and/or what’s on your FH bucket list of things you’d like to accomplish?

Lauren: No specific goal right now. I think eventually I will do the Lifter program again because I loved the challenge and so clearly seeing the strength that I built week to week.

Derek: I’m joining the lifter program this month with coach Sokol. I’m very excited to discover my one rep max as I’ve never attempted it before.


What makes you commit to training even on days you don't feel like it? 

Lauren: On days I don't want to come in, I usually take a look at the class list and see if anyone I know will be there. Sometimes just having a familiar face in the class makes the difference for me.

Derek: Support from Lauren also going and seeing my strength progress over time.


What's your favorite movement/exercise?

Lauren: I have been really into barbell lifts lately, so I would have to say the bench press or back squat.

Derek: Back squats


What have been your “bright spots” (PRs or accomplishments are you most proud of)?  

Lauren: At the end of the Lifter program, I was really proud of all of my lifts , but probably the one that surprised me most was my one rep max back squat of 205 lbs. I think the second think I am most proud of is consistency. Although travel sometimes causes exceptions, I have been coming to to Fuelhouse consistently since I joined in August 2022.

Derek: Consistency. To have been with FH for a year and still enjoy going is amazing.


How have these accomplishments affected your life?

Lauren: I feel a lot more confident and comfortable in my own body. Feeling strong both mentally and physically has always been important to me, and my time at Fuelhouse supports both.

Derek: I’ve begun to look forward to going to the gym each week.

What is on your general bucket list for life?

Lauren: Travel and experience as much of the world as possible.

Derek: Travel more

Tell us a little known fact about yourself or what’s something most people don’t know about you?

Lauren: I grew up on the Canadian border in NY state. Even though I am from NY, my hometown is 7 hours north of NYC.

Derek: I’m deaf in my right ear


What's your favorite thing about being a FUELhouse member?

Lauren: Being a part of such a supportive community.

Derek: The community


What was your first impression of FH?  How has that changed?

Lauren: My first impression was that the gym and people who go there were probably pretty intense about fitness. While that may be true, I learned pretty quickly that they are also pretty intense about making it fun :)

Derek: I first thought that everyone was so strong and I quickly realized that didn’t matter, we all had our own goals and everyone was supportive of those goals. 

What advice do you have for new (or experienced!) new friends trying out FH?

Lauren: No matter where you are in your fitness journey, know that you're always welcome at Fuelhouse! Even though I was nervous when I first joined, I jumped in with both feet and am so glad that I did. If I haven't already, I would love to meet you in group classes!

Derek: Have fun. The community is great and we all succeed and / or suffer together.

Hayley Magwire