October 2023 Member of the Month: Stephanie Connor!!

Stephanie (goes by Steph) started at FUELhouse in the summer of 2018 with our foundations series. Since then, she’s dabbled in it all: private Training, small group, group classes, strength challenges, and a StrongFirst kettlebell certification! We love it when Steph walks through our doors. She is always positive and open to trying new things or new ways of doing things! Steph is a light and force, and we are grateful she’s stuck with us for this long. Check out what some of the FH coaches had to say about this lovely lady below.

“Well, she’s Canadian, so no more needs to be said. However, so much more to be said. She may be small but she is strong and mighty. Even challenging herself by taking on SFG! Where will she go next?!Continue reading to learn all about Steph!” - Coach Kari 🇨🇦

“Coaching Steph from Foundations and seeing her progress a few years later is amazing to witness. From SFG certification to small group PR’s, I’m super proud of how she has planned the work and worked the plan.” - Coach Dre

“Steph is such a great person to have at the gym! I met Steph shortly after I first moved to Seattle & was shadowing Coach Dre’s Foundations course that she was a part of. Whether it has been through her consistent 6/7am practice, taking on the SFG I weekend, or working together 1:1, it has been such an honor getting to know Steph and watching her grow as both an individual & student of strength!” - Coach Brian

Name: Stephanie Connor

Pronoun(s): she/her

Occupation: UX Research Leader in Tech

Find her on IG: @stephlisaconnor

Where can you be found outside of the gym? What do you do for a living?

My day job is working in user experience, leading a team of talented researchers who help to solve problems for our users and our business. It's a time-consuming job, but I love what I do and I enjoy spending my work days with these people.

What are your hobbies?

Keeping active is really important to me. On weekends (and some workdays) you can find me backpacking, hiking, biking (both indoor and outdoor), running, paddle boarding, and in the winter cross-country skiing and snowshoeing. I recently started pottery classes, learning how to throw clay with a wheel is a new challenge for me, but I'm learning a lot and hope to make something actually usable soon!

What brought you to FH in the first place?

I had recently moved to Seattle and wanted to find a gym that had both a good selection of classes and a great atmosphere. I looked at Fuelhouse's rating and was blown away by all the positive reviews. So I started FH foundations in summer 2018 and have been member ever since.


How are we so lucky you picked us (what are your favorite things about FH)?

FH feels like the fitness version of Cheers - everyone knows your name and you always leave feeling better than you came. It's a positive and inclusive environment, and they meet you where you're at (i.e., you don't need to be a lifter to join - they'll teach you!).


What sports or fitness things did you do before FH?

I studied ballet in high school and did both competitive swimming and lifeguarding through that time as well. As I got older I started adding weightlifting, running, and triathlons. I was also doing some personal training to keep my strength in balance while running.


What programs are you currently involved in at FH and why? 

I mostly do group classes but I've also done personal training with my buddy Coach Brian who helped me fix some nagging issues with my kettlebell technique (thanks B!). I also did SFGI last year, and wow, that was a true test of my skills and abilities! I didn't pass but I certainly learned a lot and got a heck of a lot stronger.


What goals are you working towards and/or what’s on your FH bucket list of things you’d like to accomplish?

This year has been a bit up and down so I'm mostly trying to keep my fitness up with group classes. I'm hoping I'll tackle SFGI again in the future, but I'll need some time to get there. :)


What makes you commit to training even on days you don't feel like it? 

I like the social aspect of working out with other people. Sure, I could do it at home, but it's a lot more fun working out with others who motivate you to push harder or make you laugh.


What's your favorite movement/exercise?

Deadlifts!! (both barbell and kettlebell). Makes you feel like a badass with all the weight you can lift.


What have been your “bright spots” (PRs or accomplishments are you most proud of)?  

Two come to mind. One was my first TSC. I had no idea what I was getting into but so glad I did it. I trained with a group of ladies in the 6AM class and it was great to have a goal to go after together. The second was SFGI. I worked hard with my training and it really humbled me in the best way.


How have these accomplishments affected your life?

SFGI was a good reminder of what it feels like to go after something and not get it. It's good to fail sometimes, it makes you stronger and more motivated. I know what I want to do differently the next time and I can't wait to take it on again one day.

What is on your general bucket list for life?

Good question. Right now I'm trying to decide what the second act of my life is going to look like. My priorities have changed since I was in my 20's, and for me spending time with good people, being a good person, and visiting as many places as I can are high on my priority list right now.

Tell us a little known fact about yourself or what’s something most people don’t know about you?

I'm from Canada! (jk, Coach Kari and I shoot the shit about it all the time :)). I love Halloween better than Christmas. I enjoy dressing up and decorating my house, and I'll throw an occasional party every once in awhile.


What's your favorite thing about being a FUELhouse member?

I like the camaraderie of the group classes, always fun to catch up with other members in class. I also like that there's always so much going on, events, classes, small groups, etc. Something for everyone.


What was your first impression of FH?  How has that changed?

My first impression was that the people (both coaches and members) were very friendly and welcoming. Even though some folks have come and gone, that spirit still lives within FH.

What advice do you have for new (or experienced!) new friends trying out FH?

Ask questions! If something doesn't feel right, or you don't understand a certain exercise just ask. The coaches are great at providing modifications or adjusting if you have an injury or limitation.

Hayley Magwire