October Members of the Month: Jessica and Nick Giron!

Meet October’s Epic Members of the month Jessica and Nick Giron!

With two kids running around, we’re all inspired that Jess and Nick make movement a priority in their lives. From trading off who has the kids, to finding and re-finding their consistency in practice; they have found a way to make it work. Nick started at FUELhouse in 2016 and Jess wasn’t far behind in 2017, and we’re so grateful they keep showing up! Here’s what some of the FH coaches have to say about them…

“I love their consistent smiles and positive attitude.” - Coach Sokol

“Silent ninjas! they may not be the most talkative, but they both can throw down and try their best at every class they go to.” - Coach Abbey 🥷

“They make it happen and prioritize FH and strength. They are both STRONG AF! Also, so fun to shoot the shit with, they will give it to you like it is, real about life and no sugarcoating. I want to be able to barbell like Jess!” - Coach Kari

“Double 16 snatches. Need I say more? #jessforpresident” - Coach Dre

“They both come in with smiles and positive attitudes and give all that they have on that specific day.” - Coach Catherine

“They are both true students of the game. Nick is always pushing the pace & looking for a challenge. Jess is as strong as they come! I love watching her not only discover just how damn strong she is over and over… but also watching her inspire so many other members!” - Coach Brian

Continue reading below to learn all about Nick and Jess! Spoiler, when you read on, you’ll learn who used to bowl really well…🎳 🤔


Jessica Giron

Nick Giron


Jessica: she/her

Nick: he/him


Jessica: Pharmacy Nurse (RN) Consultant & SAHM

Nick: Sales

Find them on IG: 

Jessica: @jessica.s.giron

Nick: @upkick

Where can you be found outside of the gym? What do you do for a living?

Jessica: Likely at home or out running errands, or currently going to swim lessons with one of the kids.

Nick: Right now I’m WFH so if you find me outside of the gym it’s either because I am doing yard work, running errands, catching up with a friend at a brewery or on my way to a comedy show.

What are your hobbies?

Jessica: Cooking/Baking, crafting, organizing, working out at FH and staying strong, hot yoga, vacationing, eating - in no particular order.

Nick: I am a collector at heart. Right now I am into backpacks, retro video games and some stand up comedy memorabilia.

What brought you to FH in the first place?

Jessica: I’ve been injured on so many occasions working out at a gym, I wanted a place that would stress the importance of correct form while still gaining strength.

Nick: Back when FH first opened, it was only of the only places that focused on movement first, strength second. There was even a ninja training class taught by Tess!


How are we so lucky you picked us (what are your favorite things about FH)?

Jessica: I absolutely love the people at FH; that everyone is there encouraging each other and not competing against each other. The coaches make it challenging and fun, and the programming keeps me on my toes. I love that if I can’t make it in person, that I have the option to still be able to follow along virtually.

Nick: It’s a forgiving and supportive environment to fail in. Meaning, I can confidently try heavy weights and don’t feel self conscious if I don’t get them up in front of others. Especially the trainers because they are so supportive.


What sports or fitness things did you do before FH?

Jessica: Grew up playing soccer and basketball; did spin classes, Zumba, hot yoga, turbo kick classes, step classes, stair masters, weight training.

Nick: Martial arts and triathlons


What programs are you currently involved in at FH and why? 

Jessica: Group classes

Nick: 6am morning crew. M-F. Why? Because I am a morning personal and love starting my day with a workout. It sets the tone for the day.


What goals are you working towards and/or what’s on your FH bucket list of things you’d like to accomplish?

Jessica: Working towards my first TSC this October; perfecting pull-ups; box jumps on the highest height with soft landings; would love to complete sinister! And keep going up in bells for TGU’s!

Nick: 48kg TGU is insight


What makes you commit to training even on days you don't feel like it? 

Jessica: Going to FH is my “me time” away from the hustle and bustle of life. I feel so accomplished and strong afterwards and I always leave smiling.

Nick: It is a fact that I always feel better after a workout and if I skip one, I feel worse. That alone is motivation enough. I just remind myself of this.


What's your favorite movement/exercise?

Jessica: TGU

Nick: I really like barbell complexes such as Clean/squat/press


What have been your “bright spots” (PRs or accomplishments are you most proud of)?  

Jessica: Recently did TGU with the 28kg bell! And did box jumps on the highest height! And did two unassisted pull ups in a row. I couldn’t even do one 3 months ago!

Nick: Attempted the 44kg TGU and did not get it. That is a bright spot because I tried and got a sense of what it feels like. I also look forward to the Murph each year.


How have these accomplishments affected your life?

Jessica: Makes me want to keep going! To either go up in weight or to fine tune it better while focusing on strength and form.

Nick: Overall confidence and better daily attitude

What is on your general bucket list for life?

Jessica: Nick and I used to travel the world before kids….now with kids and Covid hopefully behind us, I would love to introduce the kids to world traveling. Want to go to Petra in Jordan, and also see the pyramids in Egypt one of these days.

Nick: A long distance endurance race (Bigfoot 200 or cross country bike ride), scooter cannonball ride, international multi-week train ride, live abroad, start a business are a few.

Tell us a little known fact about yourself or what’s something most people don’t know about you?

Jessica: I always try to find a way, even when something seems difficult or impossible. This translates in many different areas in my life. For example (a very loose example), in my teens, I pierced 3 holes in my ears and 2 in my sister’s because our parents wouldn’t take us when we were younger and we wanted “doubles”.

Nick: When I was a kid, I was in multiple bowling leagues and got an article written about me due to my scores.


What's your favorite thing about being a FUELhouse member?

Jessica: Getting a good sweat while getting stronger with friends.

Nick: Just the sense of it being a second home.


What was your first impression of FH?  How has that changed?

Jessica: I was really impressed with FH - since correct form was important to me, I appreciated the coaches for paying attention and correcting my form to prevent injuries. I still remember them telling me to not work through the pain. This hasn’t changed and I still get feedback from coaches today, which I continue to seek and need!

Nick: The only change is that I am not the only guy in class anymore.


What advice do you have for new (or experienced!) new friends trying out FH?

Jessica: Learn to do a TGU! The moves help in so many ways in your day to day life! Give FH a try! You’ll love it! And don’t be afraid to ask clarifying questions and seek modifications!

Nick: 1) Just keep showing up. 2) You are walking into a supportive community that is 6+ years in the making. It’s your responsibility to help keep it that way. Protect it and don’t be a jerk.

Hayley Magwire