November 2023 Members of the Month: Becky Lukac & Linzy Casal

Meet November’s Epic Members of the month Becky & Linzy!!

Becky and Linzy are partners in life and on the training floor. It’s so fun to watch the two of them support each other through all things in life. From supporting each other while training together, to being the support rod at their events; they truly have each other’s back.

Becky started at FUELhouse in January of 2022 so she’s coming up on two years with us! She started out with private foundations and continued private and partner training with Coach Hayley. She recently completed the LIFTER small group series with Coach Sokol and produced some epic results! Becky has made some serious strength gains since starting with FH — it’s quite spectacular! We can’t wait to see what else is on the horizon for this badass human!

Linzy started at FUELhouse in August of 2022 with private and partner training. Linzy has made some amazing strength gains since starting at FUELhouse last year. She’s literally gotten stronger in all things. One example is starting out with bodyweight TGU’s and has since graduated to the 14kg (even with “shoulder” things due to rowing)! Even on days where rowing has stolen her energy, she continues to show up to her sessions with a smile. Her strength & endurance gains at FH has translated to gains on the water while rowing which has been so fun to see.

The schedule that these two hold is impressive! Becky is a coach herself with an extensive background in muay thai. Let’s just say I wouldn’t want to tap her on the shoulder in a dark alley… Linzy is out rowing multiple days a week and FH has been a great supplement to her training with her team.

Check out what some of the coaches have to say about these two…

“Talk about a dynamic duo! These two always come in with smiles on their faces and get down business. Hayley is a lucky coach!” - Coach Abbey

“Every time I see these two they're training hard with coach Hayley or serving smiles as they pass through FUELhouse. A+ students!” - Coach Vincent

“They have great hair, great work ethic, great putt putt skills and they know how to laugh. That’s the combo for the best people to be around if you ask me!Continue reading below to learn all about .” - Coach Kari

“I honestly couldn’t ask for better clients/members/students. They’re always willing to learn, grow and get stronger. Plus they’re honest with me about how their bodies are doing that day so we can maintain safety and appropriate gains. I get sad when I don’t see them every week ;)” - Coach Hayley

Continue reading to learn more about Linzy and Becky!


Linzy Casal

Becky Lukac


Linzy: She/her/hers

Becky: she/her


Linzy: Project Manager

Becky: Environmental Health & Safety Professional

Find them on IG: 

Linzy: @Ima.morganmuffle

Becky: @coachbeckyy_wthegoodhair and @veda_apparatus_co

Where can you be found outside of the gym? What do you do for a living?

Linzy: I am a project manager at Slalom Consulting and am currently running projects for our Inclusion, Diversity, and Equity department. I am also a competitive rower. I train and compete with a great team at Lake Union Crew!

Becky: I lead a team of EHS professionals that supports all things environmental, health and safety for North American at Meta.

What are your hobbies?

Linzy: Rowing consumes most of my time but I grew up surfing in Southern California and love the water!

Becky: I coach muay thai, boxing and self-defense at The Queens Dojo in South Lake Union. I've practiced muay thai for almost 14 years. I play snare drum in the Reign City Riot (OL Reign) band and Rainbow City Performing Arts marching band. I also have a workshop where I like to do woodworking and upcycling. I mostly make lamps. (IG: @veda_apparatus_co)

What brought you to FH in the first place?

Linzy: FH came highly recommended from a few trusted friends so when I was looking to round out my training FH was a no brainer.

Becky: A STRONG (see what I did there?) recommendation from a very good friend. I was also looking to supplement my martial arts and just get stronger


How are we so lucky you picked us (what are your favorite things about FH)?

Linzy: I love training with Coach Hayley! I know she’s tailoring each workout to target exactly what I need and I love seeing the gains in my rowing and general health and well-being! I feel completely welcome and love how accepting FH is! I know I can push myself and have fun at the same time!

Becky: Where do I even start? The coaches, awesome. The programs, awesome. The camaraderie, awesome. The vibe, awesome. I love everything about FUELHouse. It embodies what every gym should be.


What sports or fitness things did you do before FH?

Linzy: Before FH I was running and training for a few half marathons and roller skating whenever I could!

Becky: (Track) & field - javelin, Brazilian jiu jitsu, muay thai, boxing


What programs are you currently involved in at FH and why? 

Linzy: Personal Training.

Becky: I just finished the small group Lifter program and I also do personal training and occasionally couples training with Coach Hayley. I was very interested in the Lifter program for the barbell experience and I think I'm hooked.

As a martial arts coach, I spent most of my time doing just that - coaching, and not a lot of time practicing. I never wanted to be that out-of-shape coach on the sidelines barking orders at their students. I knew I needed to do SOMETHING to get myself to a place where I could be a better coach and athlete for my students and for myself. Enter Coach Hay.


What goals are you working towards and/or what’s on your FH bucket list of things you’d like to accomplish?

Linzy: My current focus is to improve strength and endurance to row faster, harder, and to stay injury free. But is sure does feel good to pr every now and then!

Becky: Lift heavy sh!t. To become a stronger human, better coach and keep up my health well into my later years. And to secretly beat Sarah Steininger-Leroux at deadlift.


What makes you commit to training even on days you don't feel like it? 

Linzy: I know Hayley always shows up for me and that helps to keep me pushing hard during our sessions! And of course, my rowing has improved immensely since I started to train at FH. Those gains make it easy to come back week after week!

Becky: How I always feel after - whether it's 10% or 100% better. I always have a positive experience, even though Coach H sometimes kicks my a$$. The coaches know how to push you just outside of your comfort zone and they always do it with your safety in mind.


What's your favorite movement/exercise?

Linzy: I love all things kettlebell!

Becky: The ones that are really hard and technical and challenge me even at body weight


What have been your “bright spots” (PRs or accomplishments are you most proud of)?  

Linzy: I love when any movement feels natural and instinctive. I love it even more when I realize I can move naturally while lifting more than I would have expected.

Becky: When a movement just "clicks" and it's the technique, not always the power, that drives it. I know that's how it works, given my experience with martial arts, but I'm always surprised when it works with moving a lot of weight.


How have these accomplishments affected your life?

Linzy: Confidence!

Becky: Physically and emotionally very positive. I love the community at FH. I love to see my class peers succeed. I know I have definitely become a stronger human and it has helped me improve in my other hobbies and recreational sports. It has also taught me what my limitations are and to know when it's too much. Getting older sucks and I've been letting go of the "tough guy" mentality.

What is on your general bucket list for life?

Linzy: To never stop moving!

Becky: Be physically and mentally well for as long as I can to really enjoy life.

Tell us a little known fact about yourself or what’s something most people don’t know about you?

Linzy: I can’t think of anything?

Becky: I don't like to tie my shoes


What's your favorite thing about being a FUELhouse member?

Linzy: The community! There are some really special people coaching and training at FH!

Becky: See above.


What was your first impression of FH?  How has that changed?

Linzy: I was a little intimidated when I first came to FH since it was so different from anything I had done previously. But the coaches are super patient and knowledgeable and I always feel like I’m in good hands. Hayley is great at pushing me to work hard and as my confidence grew, I really started to feel like I belonged.

Becky: I think I was just excited (and nervous) to get started. I didn't now what to expect. My love for FH has only grown since.


What advice do you have for new (or experienced!) new friends trying out FH?

Linzy: Stick with it! It won’t take long to start seeing and feeling results!

Becky: It's not your typical gym. You're going to get much more out of your experience than you anticipate.

Hayley Magwire