We've closely studied our recent survey results (thank you for your input) and have decided to add in more group classes at a very slow and steady pace which will be assessed every two weeks.
What's new?
M: We have 2 early am classes and 2 evening classes*
M-F: the 8:30am has moved to 9am*
M&W: Mobility has moved to 8:15am (virtual only)*
W: We've moved Abs and Butt to 4:45 (virtual only)*
T-F: same in-person schedule*
Sat: 8am and 9:30am*
Sun: Virtual yoga with Mike at 9:30*
*REMINDER: All in-person classes are simultaneously offered virtually via ZOOM!
We've really got this whole cleaning-safety-distancing-mask wearing protocol down. Shoot... I feel like we could counsel others on "how to". Our plan is to not let up and only get more hyper on our Phase 2 process. We are approaching week 4 of our reopening and we are so frickin' grateful for our in-perseon and virtual members and how everyone is following ALL THE RULES!!! Thank you from the bottom of our hearts.
If you'd prefer to do private training with any of our coaches or curious about just stepping inside to get your feet wet please reach out. We want you to feel safe and ready and we'll get creative based on what you're feeling. We get you. We are beyond impressed with our membership and how everyone is finding what works for them. We're here for you and we want to help.
Big love and see you in class, on screen or in person!