So over the past 3 weeks, I have been trying to revamp my non-beneficial, ill-performing work from home set up and the lack of balance and segregation between home life & work from home life. This is what I have done!
“Commute”: My husband and I find the time that works for us to walk around the block, or longer, and “commute” to work. This starts our day, then we also do the same in the afternoon to finish our day.
Do Yoga/Stretch/Mobility: We have been finding that doing yoga multiple times per week has been so helpful for us, plus we have awesome teachers and FH classes! It is the one form of exercise that allows us to completely tune out and disconnect & focus on what we need to accomplish. Also stretching & mobility in our morning and evening routines especially since our change in work set up has changed the positions in which we work all day, every day.
Set timers on my phone for “work” time, “me” time & “home” tasks time: When I have a break in the day and I am not in a specific meeting or virtual session, I normally set the timer for 15 min & start with “me or Home” task time, so I get up and do what I need/want to do. Then I set it for 15 min and do “work” time.
Leave electronics (other than kindle) out of the bedroom: I don't think I need to elaborate on this one ;) BUT I do read on my iPad in bed
Use an alarm clock! Yes, the old school one! Not the alarm on your phone: I started using my alarm clock rather than my phone. I am not going to have any relevant, timely, or hard pressing notifications upon waking. No offense but unless you are a doctor, truth bullet, neither are you. Nothing that can not wait until you at least finish your 5-60min morning routine. Plus, then I do not have these nagging to-do thoughts on my mind.
Continue with my morning routine: I spend the 5 or so minutes to write in my 5-Minute Diary, then 5 or so min moving & stretching. (You can even follow along with our own Coach Josh on @treatyohealthpodcast on Instagram @ 7 am)
Turn off email notifications on my phone: On weekends and evenings when I am done work, I turn the notifications off in my settings. I look on Sunday evening and check if there is anything I need to tend to or if I can delete lots of clutter for the start of the week. Again, unless you are a doctor, caring for literal lives, you're not that important, this is not that pertinent
Plan out “work” times for when I answer emails, 2 x per day: I can get HUNG up on writing emails, so I plan to answer emails once in the morning and once in the afternoon, not whenever they come through.
Prioritize Training & Movement Sessions: Again, self-explanatory but essential.
Put the phone on airplane mode or somewhere else while in work time: leave my phone with timer set somewhere else so I can't see the emails or messages come in when I am trying to focus and get a task done
My career-specific = work while on a virtual session with a client, if they want the workout written out, that is done during their time, plus then I can add notes and specifically ask them what would be helpful when they review the workout
Close my computer/iPad when I am done with my work times and for the day: Right before I go on my afternoon commute, close and shut down the computer. The day is done.
20 min meditation/ nap / sit in silence: later on in the afternoon or evening, meditate, nap, or just sit in silence, set that timer for 20min. This is an excerpt from the 6-Minute Diary Pure: “Silence is a mental toothbrush and an effective charger for your brain. Studies show that silence fills up cognitive resources, reduces stress & has a calming effect. On top of all that, it stimulates the growth of new and beneficial brain cells which, in turn, makes you smarter. So try to implement a few minutes of absolute silence into your daily life and witness its positive effects”
Work on going to bed & waking up at relatively the same time each day: Again, pretty clear on the goal with this one. There are some apps, etc. This is not that hard people, hold yourself a little more accountable.
Other than urgent client emails i.e. to change/cancel appointments, let emails sit for 12-24 hours: again, I'm not that important, I don't need to respond to a request instantaneously, nor should someone expect me to.
I feel SO MUCH BETTER and more in control and most importantly, like I have a space for “work” and space for “home” only after 3 weeks of putting all these things into action!
Changes, all it took was a few very simple changes.