Whether you are a current member, or you've gone on hold, or you've canceled, or maybe you just visited us but you never took that next step well this message IS for you.
We're on a mission to help anyone in the areas of life that revolve around sleep, nutrition, movement, and mindset/management of self. If I've already lost you then just give me a chance. There are no strings attached here. We chose this profession because we get the greatest emotional reward knowing that we've made a positive impact on someones life. Thats it. It's that simple. We know these are really frickin' hard times, so we want to make sure that anyone who's stepped through our physical or virtual door has the resources in front of them to optimize their mind and body. At no cost.
So today, we are opening up registration for our 28-Day Virtuosity Challenge that begins on Sunday, August 9th! The challenge will help you build strong habits and improve your whole life. It’s simple, but profoundly effective. During the course of this challenge, we’ll build more solid nutrition habits; teach you mindfulness and build a daily meditation habit; keep you engaged and challenged on your workouts; and even improve your sleep. We’ll undo the negative effects of Shelter and Stay on your lifestyle! The time to take action is NOW. We aren’t able to control many things in life, especially right now, but we ARE in control of the decisions we make around our health.
REGISTER NOW AT THIS LINK and if you are a current member please use your ZenPlanner login details to register for this challenge!
This challenge would cost $299 for most people, but as a FH friend of our gym family (yes, that goes for those of you on hold and who had to cancel), it's our gift to you for $0. Why $0? Your health is the most important thing to us always and especially right now. We will be following up with more details tomorrow, but for right now just want to give you a snapshot of what we'll be coaching in our group classes, private training sessions and online and after reading if you feel ready to make a change then just register HERE!
Fulfill basic sleep quantity - Get 6-8 hours of sleep consistently
Consistent sleep/wake schedule - go to bed and wake up at same time
Full of energy upon waking - you don’t feel like you need/want another hour of sleep
Room temperature less than or equal to 68 degrees Fahrenheit
Don’t promote sleep disruption - No alcohol within 2 hours, and no caffeine with 6 hours, of going to bed
Wake up pain-free
Eat minimally processed, “real” foods. Stick to healthy options such as vegetables, fruit, nuts and seeds, unprocessed whole grains, beans and legumes, dairy products with few ingredients, lean meats, fish, eggs, and natural nut butter. Focus on what works for your body to feel its best.
Eat every 3-4 hours
Drink water as your main fluid - limit alcohol, juice, and beverages with added sugar.
Eat breakfast within 60-90 minutes of waking up
Plan ahead for success. Set up your environment to make healthy choices. Don’t eat your feelings. Learn positive coping strategies without turning to food for comfort. Eat slowly and mindfully, sitting down at a table (whenever possible), and listen to your body’s natural hunger and satiety cues. Eat until satisfied, not stuff.
Fulfill basic movement quantity - Get at least 60 minutes of movement throughout the day. This can be a combination of structured and unstructured movement.
Strength training at least two days a week at FH Gym or at home
Aerobic exercise 2-3 times a week
High-intensity exercise 1-2 times a week
No chronic pain in your hips, neck, back, knees, ankles, or shoulders
Implement good movement practices in everyday life - movement quality can be positively or negatively impactful to your enjoyment of life. Being proactive in your posture and position during everyday activities can make a tremendous difference in how your body responds to challenges.
Manage (Mindset and Planning)
Have clarity on your values and priorities
Actively manage your daily schedule - this is in opposition to having a day that is reactive in nature
Practice gratitude through bright spots recognition
Give your time in service of a cause that resonates with you - service leads to gratitude and that leads to JOY!
A daily habit of mindfulness - this can be meditation, deep prayer, or anything similar