Member Spotlight: Mel Souza

Meet March’s Epic Member of the month: Mel Souza!
Mel started with us in September of 2021 by way of private foundations with Coach Andrea Perez! We love how coachable Mel is, and we admire the questions she asks about form and technique! As coaches, it brings us great joy to engage with our group class members :) Mel is an epic badass who is living an amazing life. Continue reading below to learn more about your EPIC member of the month, Mel Souza!

Name: Mel (Melanie) Souza

Preferred pronoun(s): she, her

Occupation: Recovery Support Coach @ Tech Rehab

IG: @mellalala3

Where can you be found outside of the gym? What do you do for a living?

I work with young adults struggling with internet addictions i.e. gaming, social media, gambling, and porn. If I'm not at the gym or work I'm probably playing with strangers dogs, snacking, or napping at the beach. 

What are your hobbies?

Mountain biking, rock climbing, split-boarding/snowboarding, paragliding.

What brought you to FH in the first place?

Lots of reasons!

1. I missed the community I had at my old boxing gym

2. I wanted to meet new people in a new city

3. At home pilates wasn't doing it for my mental health

4. I wanted to start training to be strong for my activities instead of using my hobbies as exercise

5. My chiropractor recommended FH!


How are we so lucky you picked us (what are your favorite things about FH)?

I love how much feedback the coaches give. I've had injuries from kettlebells in the past so I really appreciate the constant dedication to form and technique in every class.


What sports or fitness things did you do before FH?

Trail-Running, Soccer, Crossfit, Sea-Kayaking, Pilates, Yoga, Boxing/Sparring


What programs are you currently involved in at FH and why? 

Group Classes!I love the energy you get and give to other people in group classes. I love zoning in on a movement and pushing myself as hard as I can.


What goals are you working towards and/or what’s on your FH bucket list of things you’d like to accomplish?

By the end of the year I want to do 10 pull ups and a pistol squat. I'd like to feel confident with my KB swings so I can increase weight and eventually work towards Simple & Sinister.


What makes you commit to training even on days you don't feel like it? 

Consistent exercise keeps my mental health in check. I would rather suffer physically than mentally which is usually enough to keep me going to the gym. If I don't feel like it, I probably haven't gone in a week or more, which means I need it even more .


What's your favorite movement/exercise?

Barbells! squats, ball slams, or agility work


What have been your “bright spots” (PRs or accomplishments are you most proud of)?  

I am proud of myself for completing an off-road triathlon.


How have these accomplishments affected your life?

It taught me the importance of training and preparing for competitions properly, which I will do next time! Instead, I rode a full-suspension mountain bike 30 miles up 4000 ft and was hysterically crying in the middle of a remote mountain range, finishing second to last 7 hours later, only to pass an 80yr old man in the last mile of the run. I'm also proud of making do with what I had at the time, and trying something hard even if I wasn't ready for it. Preparation is cool too though!

What is on your general bucket list for life?

Base Jump, Raft the Grand Canyon, Cross-Country Paraglide, Bike-pack the Aotearoa trail, complete an Ironman, Skydive Professionally

Tell us a little known fact about yourself or what’s something most people don’t know about you?

I pushed people off a cliff for a living...and I can lick my nose!


What's your favorite thing about being a FUELhouse member?

Badass female coaches, the shared stoked in others' successes


What was your first impression of FH?  How has that changed?

Why is everyone so friendly?! Everyone is still incredibly friendly! I'm just less shy now :)


What advice do you have for new (or experienced!) new friends trying out FH?

Ask questions! Kettlebells feel super uncomfortable to me and they aren't my favorite...yet. Which is why I ask allot of form questions. I am constantly trying to correct my form and the only way I know how to do that is by asking questions, especially if something doesn't feel good or feel like it's working what its meant to.

Hayley Magwire