FH Open 2022 Virtual Draft Party!

“If You Always Do What You've Always Done,

You'll Always Get What You've Always Got.” ~ Henry Ford

Members and Friends,

Welcome to the 2nd Annual FH Open aka our 50 Day Wellness Challenge.  It's time to kick off the Spring season and celebrate our health and fitness with our community. We are dividing our membership into 5 Teams this year.  Everything kicks off with our Virtual Draft party this Friday at 5:15pm where you will learn which Team you’re on plus more!If you’re unable to attend our virtual draft it will be recorded so you will know what to expect come Monday, March 14th when this all cracks off!  Check out last year's Draft party here to get a sense of how much fun we will be having!

RIGHT NOW is a powerful moment to test yourself, gauge your training, and make adjustments for the future. Or to just have fun. You walked through our door because you wanted to be part of a community… to be a part of something bigger than YOU! When you joined as a member, you signed up to come together with like minded humans, to meet new friends, to find accountability, to accelerate your training and to have a boatload of fun.

Whether you train with us onsite or virtually, take the time to appreciate YOU, the step you’ve taken to focus on your fitness, our community and how strong the bonds are that connect us through FUELhouse.

Hopefully our enthusiasm around our FH Open provides you with new inspiration and motivation when it comes to prioritizing your fitness, nutrition, and mental health.  New goals are exciting. They can create a sense of motivation and hope for taking control of your health and bettering the year ahead. This is your opportunity to prioritize your health, your habits, and your outcome.

Below are high mileage questions we’d like you to ask yourself to dig deeper as we, together,  explore new ways to improve ourselves over this 50 Day Wellness Challenge that begins Monday, March 14th:

  • At this present moment am I happy about my health and fitness?

  • What area needs the most attention? 

    • My physical activity? 

    • My nutrition? 

    • My Sleep?

    • My home cooking environment?

    • My time management?

    • Other?

  • What are my goals when it comes to my personal fitness and nutrition?

  • Is my current lifestyle helping me meet my fitness and nutrition goals? (If no, why?. How am I stopping short of my goals?)

  • How do I want to feel in 50 days?

  • What would I like to achieve in 50 days?

  • What would success look like for me in 50 days?  

  • How will I feel when I reach my goal?

  • What are the rituals and habits I’ve created this year that I’m proud of and want to expand on? 

  • What are things that I enjoy and want to keep the same? 

  • What is something I want to change or drop entirely? 

The most important question to ask is: what actions will lead me to my goals and align with my visions and priorities? If you haven’t set out to be 1% better each day then what are you waiting for?  For 2022 we're doing things a little differently. We’ve been hearing people who speak of feeling burnt out, unmotivated and stuck. Well the only way to get unstuck is to make change happen through establishing new routines and habits. Our 50 Day FH Open Wellness Challenge will lead us to one main event on April 30th. Please save this date.

During this time we hope you remain open to learning new things about your body and your capabilities. We hope you take your health seriously…your sleep, mindset, movement and nutrition should be your top priorities during this time because not only are YOU counting on YOU, but your team is also counting on you! If you need help in the consistency department or need any help in the areas mentioned above remember you have an entire team, Team Captains, and me, Molly, who are here to support you, and resources like our private facebook group, Build.Nourish.Thrive, with tons of nutritional information, etc!! 

Do not ghost us. We will find you (said in a loving voice;).

As coaches, we are here for you.  We offer check-ins to give you some starting points when it comes to setting realistic goals. Use us. That’s why we do what we do.  Book a free 20 min nutrition consultation, book a free member check-in, schedule an FMS movement screen with Coach Sokol or Coach Andrea to evaluate your movement, book a Personal Training session to get dialed in around our benchmark moves that we’ll be retesting at our big event on April 30th (1 mile run, 3rep max Back Squat, 3 rep max Dual KB Press, max HR Pushups)!  Want to really dial in your nutrition while prioritizing your fitness goals? Consider accelerating your results by joining our next MeTOX Group (we start this Sunday;)! You have so many options and we can meet to direct you on the right path.

Let’s have some fun!

See you this Friday on ZOOM!

XO, Your FH Team