July Newsletter

Happy July! If you grew up in Seattle, you know the running joke that summer doesn't start in Seattle until the 5th of July. Well, this year seems like summer started in May According to the Old Farmers Almanac, in the Northern Hemisphere (hint: where we are), the June/summer solstice occurs when the sun travels along its northernmost path in the sky. This marks the astronomical start of summer. Whereas, the Southern Hemisphere (think Australia, New Zealand), it’s the opposite: the June solstice marks the astronomical start of winter when the sun is at its lowest point in the sky. We receive the most daylight on the solstice (this year Wednesday, June 21, 2023, at 7:58 A.M. PST) because we receive sunlight at the most direct angle of the year. Science...it's pretty rad

Summer was always a magical time for me as a kid because we were outside for most of the days. In the kiddie pool, sprinkler, slip 'n' slide, you name it! (hot tip: slip 'n' slides are even more fun as an adult -- trust me). From sun up to sun down, we soaked in every moment of not being in school Whatever your plans are for July and the rest of summer, we hope it includes spending time with us at FH! The sun is up early so those 6am classes aren'tas bad to attend  

What else is in store for our July newsletter? 

  • Commitment Club members announced from June

  • FH Community MAYhem Winners!

  • Important dates/events in July & beyond  

  • Birthdays to celebrate in July

  • New members to welcome to our home from June  

    ...and so much more! 

xo, Coach Hay and the FH Team

"Everything I’ve ever done that’s valuable is

something I was terrified to try."
-- Amy Chua

First off, apologies to our May committed club members! We have not drawn our gift card winner for May, next week we will draw for May and June and announce by Friday 7/7!! Thanks for your patience and understanding!

Secondly, below are your June 2023 Committed Club Members! They attended 16 or more sessions this month! They will be entered into a drawing this week to win a gift card to a local business. The winner will be announced by Friday 7/7. If you don't remember what Committed Club is, check out our blog post about it HERE!

  1. Casey Brown - 23

  2. Judy Yeoh - 23

  3. Daniel Smith - 21

  4. Maddy Thornton - 21

  5. Josh Vall-Spinosa - 17

  6. Kathleen Brown - 17

  7. Lynn Vesey - 17

  8. Scott Vesey - 17

  9. Theresa Farrell - 17

  10. Alyssa Worsham - 16


Ya'll showed up in the month of May! Awesome work! It was so fun to see how the bonus points really added up and took teams to another level of point earning potential! [see below] Awesome work for showing up for one another and for your team! If you didn't see Brian and Hayley announcing the winners, check it out here!Also, congrats to our raffle winners! If you haven't collected your raffle prize, let a coach know to grab it out of Hayley's locker ASAP!

Ya'll showed up in the month of May! Awesome work! It was so fun to see how the bonus points really added up and took teams to another level of point earning potential! [see below] Awesome work for showing up for one another and for your team! If you didn't see Brian and Hayley announcing the winners, check it out here!Also, congrats to our raffle winners! If you haven't collected your raffle prize, let a coach know to grab it out of Hayley's locker ASAP!

Ya'll showed up in the month of May! Awesome work! It was so fun to see how the bonus points really added up and took teams to another level of point earning potential! [see below] Awesome work for showing up for one another and for your team! If you didn't see Brian and Hayley announcing the winners, check it out here!

Also, congrats to our raffle winners! If you haven't collected your raffle prize, let a coach know to grab it out of Hayley's locker ASAP!

Take a hike! At the June 2023 anniversary party, she created an informal group for FUELhouse-adjacent people to organize hikes and be strong outdoors. Jump in HERE!

Any of us can suggest a hike and see if others want to join in. You are empowered and encouraged to take the lead. Bonus points for brevity.

Questions? Ask: JENN!

Your summer of success starts with The Reset!

  • Led by Coach Molly and Jess

  • Launch Date: Tuesday, July 11 at 6:30pm on ZOOM

  • Length of program: 60 days

  • When: 30 min Weekly ZOOM Group Meetings on Tuesdays from 6:30-7pm PST

  • Investment in you: $295/person*

    • Please send email to Molly if you would prefer a 2-part payment plan!

  • Claim your spot today!

If you are interested in working with Molly outside The Summer Reset, book a 30 min consultation HERE!

Summer camp for adults! - Apply today!


  • Morning hikes

  • Mobility and strength sessions (for all fitness levels)

  • Meditation and mindfulness work

  • Guided cold plunges

  • Educational workshops on mindset, wellness, recovery, and stepping into your power

  • Community building activities

  • Meals


  • 12 bedrooms with full bathrooms and digital locks

  • Towels and toiletries

  • Mini Fridge

  • Heat and air conditioning in each room

Foundations is the perfect place to learn our movement standards before transitioning into ongoing private/partner training or group classes. Taught by one of our certified StrongFirst Coaches, these classes are for first-timers and those with minimal hardstyle kettlebell, barbell, and functional fitness experience.  


  • Meets for 6 small group sessions on T/Th at 6:30pm 

  • Unlimited Access to group classes

  • Offered once a month

JULY - Begins 7/11 with Coach Vincent

AUGUST - Beings 8/8 with Coach Abbey

SEPTEMBER- Begins Tuesday 9/5 with Coach Vincent 

Private or Partner Foundations can be scheduled at anytime.

Don't know what you want/need?



Team work makes the dream work? What is actually happening here...??

Always available to FH Members:

  • 30 and 60-minute Personal Training sessions

  • Start with a Skill Session or if you know the Coach you would like to work with head straight HERE to sign up

  • Don't know what you need/want? Book a Member check-into chat about your goals and determine the best path forward.


Meet July's Epic Member of the month:

Kat Reuter!!! 

Cue the badass metal music... Kat has been a member at FUELhouse since April of 2016. For those that don’t do math, that was SEVEN YEARS this year! She is a light and a force of energy we love to have in our space. She always finds a way to move even when she might be working through an injury. Not only is she extremely coachable, she is FUELhouse’s biggest cheerleader! We are forever in her debt for how much she tells others about us   Check out what some of the coaches had to say about her (more on our blog)….

“Kat is such a wonderful part of FH! She is so kind to all around her while being absolutely kickass during classes! Shoutout to the queen of metal!” - Coach Abbey

“Kat is one of the hardest workers in class. I love how coachable she is and always a good sport with my music choices! Stay Metal, Kat!” - Coach Dre

“Always a supporter of everything we do and never has a negative comment. Also, she basically runs our social media because she can respond faster and solve any question before any of us can!” - Coach Kari

“Kat is gem of a human — as kind & thoughtful as they come. Will also fight to the death for what she believes in! She’s always embracing the process & showing that she’s a true student of the game when it comes to health & wellness. Also, great taste in music  — Stay Metal!”   - Coach Brian

Check out our BLOG to learn more about this stupendous human Kat!


In the last month we have acquired some amazing humans who have signed up for our services from personal training to nutrition coaching and more! Welcome to our home. We are so honored to have you here. 

Alexey Rybak
Michael Swingler
Bret Nelson
Cookie Bravin
Raghavan Ravi
Paul Baird
Pano Giannakopoulos
Jeff Asavalertpanich
Arthur Beavan
Rita Hibbard
Roger Neale
Alexander Yates
Elke Reibhorn
Carlie Bouvatte
Meade Johnson
Valentina Komarova
Wally Pfingsten
Jin Yao
Melanie Mayock
Kristina Przyjemski
Stuart MacMillan
Isa Mohler


Happy birthday to these lovely humans!  

Matt Hartig - 2nd
Laura Grubbs - 3rd
Brian Hurst - 4th
Olivia Belletti - 5th
Laurie Leonetti - 5th
Ele Sykes - 10th
Pauline Kang'ethe 15th
Karin Bauer - 16th
Mayur Deshpande - 16th
Bruce Woolsey - 18th
Amy Baskerville - 21st
Casey Brown - 21st
Kate Holmes - 22nd
Matthew Simon - 22nd
Raven Alder - 24th
Dylan O'Neil - 24th
Charlotte Simmonds - 25th
Tim Freeman - 27th
Nomi Fuchs-Montgomery - 27th
Nick Giron - 27th
Jen Newman - 28th
Jan Nicosia - 29th
Kathy Jones - 30th

 YOU DID IT! You made it to the bottom of the newsletter!

Thanks for taking the time to read all of the things!

Your reward is this mom/dad/auntie/uncle joke...

I was really angry at my friend Mark for stealing my dictionary

I told him, "Mark, my words!"


Joke courtesy of dadinashirt.com

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 and yes, I'm a subscriber  


Molly Kieland