July 2023 Member of the Month: Kat Reuter

Meet July’s Epic Member of the month: Kat Reuter!


Meet July’s Epic Member of the month: Kat Reuter! 〰️

Kat has been a member at FUELhouse since April of 2016. For those that don’t do math, that was SEVEN YEARS this year! She is a light and a force of energy we love to have in our space. She always finds a way to move even when she might be working through an injury. Not only is she extremely coachable, she is FUELhouse’s biggest cheerleader! We are forever in her debt for how much she tells others about us 🙏  Check out what some of the coaches had to say about her….

“Kat is such a wonderful part of FH! She is so kind to all around her while being absolutely kickass during classes! Shoutout to the queen of metal!” - Coach Abbey

“Kat is one of the hardest workers in class. I love how coachable she is and always a good sport with my music choices! Stay Metal, Kat!” - Coach Dre

“Always a supporter of everything we do and never has a negative comment. Also, she basically runs our social media because she can respond faster and solve any question before any of us can!” - Coach Kari

“Kat is gem of a human — as kind & thoughtful as they come. Will also fight to the death for what she believes in! She’s always embracing the process & showing that she’s a true student of the game when it comes to health & wellness. Also, great taste in music  — Stay Metal!”  - Coach Brian

“Kat is rad, she's always smiling and making the most of each moment on the training floor! If she's in class you know you're gonna have a good laugh and a great time.” - Coach Vincent

“She comes in with a smile and always has a good attitude. She quietly works hard and is always coachable.” - Coach Kathryn

Continue reading to learn more about this phenomenal human, Kat!

Name: Kat Reuter

Pronoun(s): she/her

Occupation: Associate Director of Philanthropy at Mercy Housing Northwest

IG: @katreuter

Where can you be found outside of the gym? What do you do for a living?

I live in Fremont and I'm a grant writer for an affordable housing nonprofit.

What are your hobbies?

Yoga, reading, quality time with friends, spiritual growth, horror/true crime, soaking up the magic of mother nature, live music (especially the kind that hits you like a brick in the face! 🤘🏻 #IYKYK), and finding new dark beers to enjoy!

What brought you to FH in the first place?

I had been working with a trainer at another gym in Ballard and they left that gym (shortly after, so did I) and I had been doing yoga/barre but really wanted to find more strength training!


How are we so lucky you picked us (what are your favorite things about FH)?

Holy crow, there are so many things!! I love that every coach is different and brings a different perspective and way to teach movements, and that coaches are genuinely interested in you as a human, not just a member. I love how many deep friendships I've built and continue to build. I truly appreciate that everyone is really welcome at the gym, regardless of your background or athletic ability or body size, and even if you're dealing with an injury or a limitation, you can always find a way to move! I've said it before and I will always say it - at FUELHouse, I found a community I didn't even know that I needed in my life. I love that my experiences here have really showed me how freaking strong I am!!! Finally, I love that I've been coming to this gym for 7-ish years, and I continue to learn so much every day from coaches as well as members. (PS Stay Metal!🤘🏻)


What sports or fitness things did you do before FH?

I did some yoga and barre, and I had a trainer who introduced me to kettlebells briefly, but that's it!


What programs are you currently involved in at FH and why? 

Group Classes - I love being able to work on movements in a group setting with my buddies! It's always fun to work hard with your homies and I love the endless high fives and hugs and enthusiasm that everyone has! You can just feel the energy and excitement when someone rings that PR bell or does something they've never done before! 

I've also done small groups and skill sessions and I really appreciate the intimacy of those and how you can really focus time and attention on a specific movement while getting to know your group members and coach more closely.

What goals are you working towards and/or what’s on your FH bucket list of things you’d like to accomplish?

I would love to keep working on my BB deadlift and I would love to get Simple at some point! I am so in love with kettlebells right now though, and I just want to keep working on those movements, especially my snatch and my clean.

Truthfully, I've been away from the gym for 2 months dealing with an intense project, so my goal right now is to get back in my groove, heal some tendonitis, and extend myself as much grace as possible to feel completely fine with not needing to have a giant audacious goal right now!


What makes you commit to training even on days you don't feel like it? 

Even if I feel tired or low energy, it always makes me feel good to come in and see my homies and do something - even if that is just doing some mobility on the floor. I feel like some movement usually feels better than nothing, and I know I can always scale any practice, regardless of what is written on the board.


What's your favorite movement/exercise?

The Sled (ha! NOPE, not even close!)! I think my current favorite is KB deadlift (hi blue whale!) or double KB work!


What have been your “bright spots” (PRs or accomplishments are you most proud of)?  

One of my PR's I'm really proud of is my deadlift at 275 lbs! I'm also really proud I did my first powerlifting meet with Coach Tiff in early 2020!


How have these accomplishments affected your life?

I feel like these accomplishments made me feel really proud, but the discipline and the journey to get to the accomplishments really has showed me how powerful I am, and that I can navigate or conquer anything! I can always continue to keep growing and building new skills and new resiliency to climb new mountain tops!

What is on your general bucket list for life?

I would love to return to Iceland, continue to work for social justice in my own ways, keep working on nurturing my own growth and spiritual gifts, and continue to be a bright light in this world!

Tell us a little known fact about yourself or what’s something most people don’t know about you?

One of my favorite moments is when I was traveling to Zimbabwe and I got to watch Nelson Mandela dance on a stage with some children. Truly an incredible moment!

What's your favorite thing about being a FUELhouse member?

I think my favorite thing is that I can bring my true authentic self to FUELhouse! Sometimes I feel really gregarious even though I'm a HUGE introvert, sometimes I'm just quiet and I just want to work on my own thing, sometimes I need to work through some stress (you've probably heard me do some primal screams with a slam ball!!). But regardless of how I'm feeling, I can always show up completely as I am and I know my community will embrace me, and I always feel better leaving than I did walking in! It's a huge boost of happiness to be there!


What was your first impression of FH?  How has that changed?

I was always really impressed with FH as a community of strong badass people, and it was really powerful for me especially in the beginning to see so many strong women, and I know now I am one of those strong women! 

I was SO scared and nervous in the beginning because I didn't know how to do anything, but I really just tried to stick with it and keep coming back, and finding some accountability buddies and really supportive coaches made all the difference for me. Every day I'm continually impressed with how seriously the coaches take their own learning and growth and share that with the membership, and I'm always impressed at how kind and welcoming the community is!

What advice do you have for new (or experienced!) new friends trying out FH?

I would encourage anyone, if you are a newbie or even if you're an OG, try a class you don't usually attend, check out a coach you've never worked with, or book a skill session on a movement you really don't feel comfortable doing. Stay curious, be open to learning and new experiences, and say hi to someone you haven't met before! You'll always get out of an experience what you put into it - so maybe try to stretch yourself and see what magic you find! 🪄

Hayley Magwire