January 2024 Members of the Month: Kathleen and Randy!
Meet January Epic Members of the month Kathleen Wilson and Randy Sibley!
Kathleen has been with FH since January 2019, so it’s fitting we’re spotlighting her 5 year later! She came to us from Level4 CF (used be to located in Ballard) after they closed down. It’s amazing to see what she’s accomplished in her time with us. Coaches and fellow members are constantly in awe of her tenacity, strength and perseverance while in class. She is a delight to coach and I know members love her spirit.
We were so lucky to have Randy join us in February 2023! Our team has been amazed at watching Randy grow in his short time with us. He started our with private foundations with Coach Dre, and worked his way into group classes. You can usually catch them both at a 9am class - although not always together :)
Continue reading to learn more about Randy and Kathleen!
Kathleen Wilson
Randy Sibley
Kathleen: she/her
Randy: he/ him
Kathleen: retired Montessori teacher
Randy: retired
Where can you be found outside of the gym? What do you do for a living?
Kathleen: taking care of my grandsons, gardening, or cleaning my AirBnB
Randy: outdoors or on my couch
What are your hobbies?
Kathleen:Oxford/Shakespeare, listening to mysteries, painting my nails
Randy: construction, hiking, xcountry skiing, travel
What brought you to FH in the first place?
Kathleen: My friend thought I'd like it.
Randy: my wife
How are we so lucky you picked us (what are your favorite things about FH)?
Kathleen: The friends I've made. I can walk from my house. Each day's workout is different The coaches.
Randy: someone tells me what to do
What sports or fitness things did you do before FH?
Kathleen:Hardly anything. I did outdoor boot camp and didn't know how to do a lunge. Went to Level4 for 2 years and learned some basics, but had never touched a kettle ball until Brian taught me to swing.
Randy: yoga, weight lifting, running
What programs are you currently involved in at FH and why?
Kathleen: Group classes. The December Challenge.
Randy: kettlebell. I like it because it is a new skill to learn and more active than machine based workouts
What goals are you working towards and/or what’s on your FH bucket list of things you’d like to accomplish?
Kathleen: Maintain muscle mass, loose fat.
Randy: snatching 50x a 40lb? (whatever is the standard for my age and weight) within the 5 minute period?
What makes you commit to training even on days you don't feel like it?
Kathleen: I always feel like it
Randy: my grandchildren
What's your favorite movement/exercise?
Kathleen: Deadlifts!!!!
Randy: snatches
What have been your “bright spots” (PRs or accomplishments are you most proud of)?
Kathleen: 180 lb deadlift, learning to snatch
Randy: not injuring myself
How have these accomplishments affected your life?
Kathleen: I can help my husband lift heavy things
Randy: able to fully participate, go to the climbing gym, do projects
What is on your general bucket list for life?
Kathleen: Long Italian vacation. Raise healthy dahlias. Live long enough see my grandsons graduate from college
Randy: Learn to be more able to express appreciative and respect in my community and family; have my quality of life be good for all of my life
Tell us a little known fact about yourself or what’s something most people don’t know about you?
Kathleen: I'm a little OCD (but I don't have a fringe rake for rugs as my father did)
Randy: I hate to throw things out - since there really isn't any out out there to throw them in
What's your favorite thing about being a FUELhouse member?
Kathleen: Everybody is happy
Randy: it will help me maintain muscle mass while still having a good time
What was your first impression of FH? How has that changed?
Kathleen: I was intimidated because I wasn't very strong. Now I am.
Randy: friendly and welcoming staff; and then later on the same friendly and welcoming members
What advice do you have for new (or experienced!) new friends trying out FH?
Kathleen: Attend with consistency, because when you do the your body loves it.
Randy: don't over think it