FUELhouse News! March 2023 Edition 🍀

Welcome to March! Another month, another newsletter from FUELhouse! We're here to bring you more random knowledge you'll might not use, and some you might! Today is the start of Women's History Month. That's right everyone, a WHOLE MONTH! St. Patrick's Day is right around the corner and we have some fun happenings to announce.  

But first, a follow up from February's newsletter -- did Punxsutawney Phil see his shadow?!? Well, according to his IG page, he DID, which meant 6 more weeks of winter I'm very much feeling the truth of that prediction this week. And yes, you too can follow a groundhog on IG! What a wonderful world we live in  

Back to the good stuff... How can you celebrate Women's History Month? Well, you could start with understanding how it started! According to Census.gov Women’s History Month in the US can be tracked back to March 8th 1857 in New York City (NYC). Women from NYC factories staged a protest over poor working conditions. This lead to the the first Women's Day celebration in the U.S. (in NYC) in 1909. It only took 70 years for congress to establish a week to celebrate in 1981, and finally a month in 1987.

Fun census fact: Women are living longer than men   In 2021, there were about 1.6 million more females ages 85 and older (3.8 million) than males (2.2 million) in the U.S.  

Now back to the newsletter! Here are some things to look forward to in this March newsletter... 

  • A list of women's owned businesses around you  

  • Commitment Club members announced from February

  • Programming update from Coach Tiff!

  • February ZenPlanner workout tracking challenge winners

  • Birthdays to celebrate in March

  • New members to say hello to from February  

...and so much more! 

🫶 Coach Hay and the FH Team

Celebrate women in the month of March (and beyond) by supporting local women's run businesses! Here are the ones we could think of within our community. If you should be on this list, please email me and I'll post an updated list to our FB page!  

Shop + Art  

Eat + Drink      

Real Estate + Guidance  

From head to toe  

  • Riot PT: FH Collective business owned by Dr. Jill McVey (DPT, ATC)

  • Upward PT: FH Collective business owned by Dr. Anna (PT, DPT, OCS)

  • Circle PT: FH Collective business owned by Dr. Julianne Simpson (PT, DPT)

  • Emerald PT: FH Collective business owned by Dr. Sam Chernak (DPT)

  • Tidal Massage: FH Collective business owned by Rachael Summers

  • Olive Beauty Lounge: owned by FH member Renée Lavigne

  • FUELhouse Gym: owned by our very own Molly + all of our amazing women coaches! 

  • Coach Abbey

    1. Coach Andrea

    2. Coach Hayley

    3. Coach Kari

    4. Coach Kathryn

    5. Coach Tiff 

"A woman with a voice is, by definition, a strong woman."

- Melinda Gates

Below are your February 2023 Committed Club Members! They attended 16 or more sessions! They will be entered into a drawing this week to win a gift card to a local business. The winner will be announced by Friday 3/3. If you don't remember what Committed Club is, check out our blog post HERE!

  1. Casey Brown - 27

  2. Theresa Farrell - 24

  3. Maddy Thornton - 23

  4. Kat Reuter - 22

  5. Daniel Smith - 16

Workout Tracking Challenge

Today we're recognizing our top 3 members who tracked their personal results in the ZP Workout Tracker in the month of February! The below members will receive a $25 gift card to a local restaurant/retailer! We hope you continue this throughout the year! If you don't remember how to do it, check out this video to learn all about it!


  1. Kat Reuter

  2. Casey Brown

  3. Ann Niou 


  • New Programming focus: All new programming for March.  The focus will be on conditioning and endurance. Less talkie, more workie!

  • New Music: We’re sampling new and better beats at the house. Let us know what you think! Mixed up, mashed up, cut up, chopped up. In all the right ways.


  • 1st: Women’s History Month

  • 6th: BIKE SMART Workshop (sign up)

  • 17th: St. Patrick’s Day Workout 

  • 26th: Self Defense Workshop 9-12pm at FUELhouse!

  • 26th: Join Coach Patrick & Team FUELhouse Climbers in the Columbia Tower Climb

  • 31st: Women of FUELhouse Friday night lifts

    • Celebrating the end of Women’s History Month

    • Class at 4:30pm open to those that identify as women

    • Happy hour at 5:30pm on site (more details to follow) 




Rebecca has been with FUELhouse and Molly on and off for more than 10 years!! From bootcamp with Molly, to a short stint at FH 1.0, all the way to FH 2.0; Rebecca has truly seen the progression of FH. She came back to us by way of Foundations in June of 2021, and has been rocking group classes ever since. She’s a dedicated 7am'er with the once and a while 9am class thrown in. She recently started the Lifter small group series with Coach Sokol. She’s in the evening group on Tuesdays and Thursdays hanging with the evening peeps. We all love her attitude to keep going and trying different ways to continue moving. ALSO be sure to wish her a happy birthday on the 29th!  

Here are a few things our coaches had to say about Rebecca:

“Quiet and strong and consistent in the front corner. I enjoy her love of barbells and she’s always open to try and learn new skills. She’s definitely strong and stronger than I think she thinks she is! Can’t wait to hear her Stong Camp Lifter numbers!!” - Coach Kari

”I love having her in her corner spot in class . She’s always so easy to talk to, coachable, and has a great smile. Thanks for always showing up to work hard, safe and strong.” - Coach Hay

Check out our BLOG to learn more about this SPECTACULAR human, Rebecca! 


In the last month we have acquired an amazing group of humans who have signed up for our services from personal training to nutrition coaching and more! In February, we also welcomed a bunch of friends of members and we want to recognize you too! Welcome to our home. We are so honored to have you here. 

Jamie Tharp
Daniella Kim
Sebastian Brescia
Keillan Mennella
Nolan Anderson
Leonora Cabrera
Kate Canfield
Elliana Copeland
Brian Davenport
Yesh Ganta
Keith Gramila
Dru Reichman
Tim Taylor
Roni Davis
Sandy Markle
Randy Sibley
Dan Eisenberg
Nila Liporada
Marissa Brewster
Morgan Johnson
Jorge Maldonado
Kori Pinell
Kennedy Markulec
Olivia Martin


Happy birthday to these lovely humans!

Tiffany Kelley - 3rd
Andrew Smith - 5th
Carmen Skager - 6th
Nahyeli Mendivil - 7th
Kristen Malec - 10th
Bradley Steuby - 10th
Susan Arrieta - 13th
Ashley Cheng - 13th
Lena McClenny - 15th
John Wachter - 15th
Daniel Brixey - 19th
Kevin O'Brian - 20th
Carly Thaler - 20th
Alexander Gross - 23rd
Kristin Hohman - 23rd
Kathleen Brown - 25th
Austin Wiesehan - 25th
Brent Jarosek - 26th
John White - 28th
Rebecca Wilcox - 29th
David Neugesser - 30th
Nicole Roberts - 31st

APRIL Small Group Foundations Begins 3/28/23

-> Spots still remaining -> REGISTER TODAY!

Foundations is the perfect place to learn our movement standards before transitioning into ongoing private/partner training or group classes. Taught by one of our certified StrongFirst Coaches, these classes are for first-timers and those with minimal hardstyle kettlebell, barbell, and functional fitness experience.   

Private or Partner Foundations can be scheduled at anytime. 

New to FH and don't know what you want/need?



Always available to FH Members:

  • 30 and 60-minute Personal Training sessions

  • Start with a Skill Session or if you know the Coach you would like to work with head straight HERE to sign up

  • Don't know what you need/want? Book a Member check-into chat about your goals and determine the best path forward.

New to FH and don't know what you want/need? BOOK A NO SWEAT INTRO


  • Did you know we have a special private nutrition and lifestyle group for our members? Request access HERE

  • Ready to focus on your nutrition, but not sure where to get started? Sign up for a 20-min nutrition consultation with Coach Molly HERE!

This GIF is your present for making it to the bottom of the newsletter! THANK YOU!

Bonus, below are extra nuggets of knowledge

for you to live your best FH member life...

  • Did you know as a FH member, you have access to booking a member check-in every 90-days? BOOK it HERE!

  • If you haven't joined our private FB group, please do so HERE! -- We announce a lot of great stuff there AND you can rewatch over 200 yoga videos! Woah!

  • We have a FH Prenatal, Postpartum & Motherhood Community private FB group, join HERE!

  • FB PRO TIP: Add your favorite private groups (i.e. FH groups) to your shortcuts for easy access if you don't like FB but still want to have community through the FH FB groups!  


✌️ and ❤️,

Coach Hay + Team FH

Molly Kieland