Epic Human Atomic Habits Recording + Next Steps!

Everybody wants a transformation or a radical improvement but little do we realize that small habits are what are transforming us everyday already.  This is about getting in the reps, just like a training session in a FH workout.


  1. Noticing: Many people lack clarity vs. motivation and they don't have a plan. When, where and how is how we implement a habit. A good plan of action is a failure premortem where you think about the habit that you want to work on and imagine 6 months forward and that you failed and tell the story of why you failed. What was it that took you off course? Once you have a good idea of how you failed then you can begin to add in an “If then, plans”... If I don’t get my exercise in at 5pm on Wednesday night I will do it at 7am on Thursday morning.  

  2. Wanting: One of the most overlooked drivers of habits is our physical environment.  You can be the architect of your environment. Design a plan that will make your good behaviors easier like:

    1. You want to floss more, keep your floss in your shower

    2. You want to read more, leave your book on your pillow

    3. You want to exercise first thing in the morning, lay out your clothes the night before with your water and shoes!

    4. You want to practice…

  3. Doing: Just put the reps in. Hone the skill to repeat behavior.  Any outcome that you wish to achieve is just a point along the spectrum of repetitions. More reps makes the exercise easier, the habit easier.  Keep your focus on the starting live vs. the finish line and make it as easiest of possible to get your reps in the outcome comes as a natural result

  4. Liking: We repeat behaviors because we like them.  If we don’t enjoy the experience along the way then you won't get better. Need to figure out how to bring the reward into the present moment to stick to a good habit.  Short Term feedback will keep you on track so you need to see your progress…

    1. Fill out a habit tracker and put it in the fridge so you see your habits daily and check the box when you complete a habit.  Your only goal is to not break the chain.  By measuring your progress you get an immediate reward in the moment! The reward is tracking.  With consistency and repetition you can change your identity.

Over a broad span of time, things that you do consistently, time after time, day after day accumulate the bulk of the evidence of what you believe about yourself.  Every action that you take is actually a vote for the type of person you want to become.

True change is identity change. The goal is to become __________ (a writer, a musician, a runner, a type of person to develop an identity.

Every time we practice our habits we are living our new identity.

If we can change our habits we can change our life.

After watching our video of today's call and you decide you’d like to establish and work on some Atomic Habits then please do the following:

  1. Print out habit tracker and ask yourself, “How do I want to feel in 90 days?” and then fill out the daily/weekly habits that you would like to track?

  2. Text photo of your filled out tracker to Molly and include your name!

  3. I will reach out with details on our mid-way check-in call!

Molly Kieland