April 2023 Member of the Month Nomi Fuchs-Montgomery

Meet our April Epic Member of the month Nomi!

Nomi has been with FUELhouse since almost the very beginning (that was 2015 🤯) and we are so happy she’s stayed with us! As a single mother of 2, she’s a true inspiration. While we very much miss having her IRL, we are so proud that she continues to show up with us virtually to kick butt. Nomi’s smile is infectious and we love her spirit! Here are a few things our coaches had to say about Nomi:

“Oh Nomi, you’re so dedicated virtually but that doesn’t mean we don’t all want you in person!! You were always so much fun to have in class, always a smile and so personable. I don’t get to see you all that much anymore but I know you’re putting in just the same effort there as you would here so keep it up, in the gym and in life!” - Coach Kari

“I certainly miss the energy and light Nomi brings in person, but I always admire the dedication she has during each virtual workout! She’s a badass and fuelhouse is lucky to have her! “- Coach Abbey

“When Nomi is in the buidling you know it! Her smile is stronger than a 500lb deadlift. I have loved working with her to sharpen her lifting skills and am so proud of how she dedicates herself to always getting better in and out out of the gym. She truly embodies the FUELhouse spirit!” - Coach Dre

“A familiar face in evening classes and the definition of a silent warrior, you know she's gonna give it her all the moment her webcam flips on! I appreciate how she always maximizes the use of her tools at home and never leaves class without a smile. Go Nomi!” - Coach Vincent

“Nomi is such a positive force to be around. She’s always working hard in class and supporting her teammates. I am so grateful we could climb the Columbia Tower together! “ - Coach Brian

Continue reading below to learn all the things about this dedicated human, Nomi 💪

Name: Nomi Fuchs-Montgomery

Pronoun(s): She/her

Occupation: international public health with a focus on women’s health/family planning - and being a mom (best/hardest job you’ll ever love!)

IG: @gnome47

Where can you be found outside of the gym? What do you do for a living?

The pandemic had a silver lining, in that it slowed my life down. As a single, working mom, I was juggling a lot. Now I’m in the office 1-2 days a week (Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation), working from home, and spending time with my teen boys (on the margins of their full lives).

What are your hobbies?

I love getting strong/lifting, I have been hiking for a few years, and this year I’m part of the women over 50 – 52 hike challenge (woohoot!). Last year I did my first glacier/technical climb and had the amazing opportunity to summit Mt Koma Kulshan/Baker. This year, I’ve signed up for another climb, Mt Shuksan, and have started rock climbing as part of my training. In addition, I love to read, bake, SUP, yoga, run, garden (occasionally)– and basically spend as much time outdoors as I can. I am tremendously grateful for my dear friends and family near and far, and adore the time we get to spend together. I also derive a lot of energy from gathering people to help support great causes (HUGE shout out to Patrick as I was thrilled to join the #BIGClimb FH team) and advocate around issues that are most important to me, including reproductive justice, supporting women in the outdoors, and climate activism.

What brought you to FH in the first place?

It’s a bit of long story – here’s the short version: I had just moved to Seattle in 2015 with my two boys. My older son is a mountain biker and decided to try cyclocross. The coach had a loaner bike for him and we arranged to pick it up at her gym (the OG FH). I walked in and loved the vibe. I was new to town and looking for a gym or yoga studio that had a focus on community. My son decided not to join the team (he likes big jumps) – but I wound up finding the best gym ever (THANK YOU MOLLY!)


How are we so lucky you picked us (what are your favorite things about FH)?

In the beginning, it was Molly and the coaches. I had challenges with childcare and Molly said, just bring your kid! Initially I felt like I wasn’t strong enough to even complete a workout and no one judged. I wasn’t sure if I’d ever get beyond the “pink” bell, and the coaches encouraged me to keep trying /go heavier. FH is like the show Cheers (maybe I’m dating myself with that reference): always welcoming, full of support and love!


What sports or fitness things did you do before FH?

While I really like working out now, I was not at all athletic growing up! Before moving to Seattle and joining FH, I would go to the gym (with thx to my ex who was training to be trainer and helped me get into presses, DLs and squats). However, I was not consistent as I was working & had small kids - and had not yet learned how important it is to also take care of yourself. I did do yoga every Sunday – which is still a fav way to end the week <3


What programs are you currently involved in at FH and why? 

I’m not currently involved in any programs, but in the past did some personal training with Dre (highly recommend!) and had signed up for some of the challenges, which were always fun and motivating.


What goals are you working towards and/or what’s on your FH bucket list of things you’d like to accomplish?

I’m currently prioritizing training for mountaineering, which is my biggest fitness-related goal this year. This includes weighted hikes (goal 45lbs), rock climbing, running, mobility and weight training. Future goals include a 200lbs DL, 10 pull ups and simple…...


What makes you commit to training even on days you don't feel like it? 

The sign that used to be in the bathroom at the old FH: “I really regretted that workout – said no one, ever!”


What's your favorite movement/exercise?

I enjoy the TGU – feels like yoga with iron overhead. I love to flow!


What have been your “bright spots” (PRs or accomplishments are you most proud of)?  

Ha – at first just showing up and completing the workout! I also loved my first tactical strength challenge (TSC is so fun – be sure you try it!). Also seeing my own progression: I got to 7 PUs and almost pulled (but slipped) 200 lbs DL at the last TSC I did pre-COVID. So, now I know I can do it – it’s just about commitment & practice!


How have these accomplishments affected your life?

Getting stronger has changed my life in so many ways. It’s like yoga off the mat -strength is not just about the muscles for me; it’s about my inner sense of confidence, capability and compassion that we are on a journey of growth. No matter how old I am (currently 52), I know there is always opportunity to get keeping stronger, inside and out (looking at you Mama Scott – an inspiration to us all!)

What is on your general bucket list for life?

Oh gosh, sooo many things!! Right now, I’m a bit obsessed with the idea of doing the PCT at some point, when the boys are off on their own. I also have SO MANY hikes that I’d like to do (ideally all the volcanoes in WA), up in BC, Alaska and down in the southwest (like Zion/Arches) – and in other countries (New Zealand, Iceland, etc). Mostly I want to spend lots of time outdoors (doing all the sports I love), continuing to strength train, visiting friends and family, and eventually doing more gardening (maybe even raising bees and chickens for eggs) and getting back into ceramics (all on the land of my future dream cabin!).

Tell us a little known fact about yourself or what’s something most people don’t know about you?

I fell in love with public health as a Peace Corps Volunteer working in South East Nigeria on Guinea Worm Eradication (1992-1994). Did you know: Jimmy Carter started the Carter Center, which has been the leading force in nearly eradicating Guinea Worm? This is a disease that impacts those who do not have access to safe drinking water, often the poorest of the poor. Because of his steadfast commitment and the strong partnerships the Carter Center has formed around the world, case numbers plummeted from 3.6 million a year to just 13 in 2022! I am proud to have had the opportunity to play a small role in this global eradication effort.


What's your favorite thing about being a FUELhouse member?

This might sound odd as I’m going virtual, but honestly, the people. For example, I'll be having a shitty work day and join a KB class online to destress. Jeff (or any of the coaches) will shout out a BIG hello (and sometimes a joke) to me on Zoom and my day turns around –I have a great workout and feel much better!


What was your first impression of FH?  How has that changed?

See above reference to the show “Cheers” – my first impression was literally this place feels like an awesome neighborhood bar, with tons of super cool people who care about each other, the overall community and getting stronger together.


What advice do you have for new (or experienced!) new friends trying out FH?

Don’t be afraid to try new things and new classes – including yoga (we miss you Mike!) -and meet new people. Even though some of my OG FH friends have moved away, we are still close. It’s a special place!

Hayley Magwire