2022 MeTOX Group Program- Registration is open!

The holidays bring so many inflammatory foods and stress into our diet and typically most of us feel worn down, inflamed, tired, sick, heavier, depressed, bloated, achy, etc., by the time Jan 1st rolls around. I would like to help you undo your symptoms. On January 9th, Coach Molly K will be leading a motivated group of 20 individuals through a 30 Day Elimination Diet.

You know that feeling when you start to get sick—the lethargy, the dull ache in your body, pain in your joints, or that dragging feeling of not being fully awake? That’s inflammation. It happens when you get sick, and it also happens when you consume foods that your body is sensitive to. When you eat foods every day that irritate your system, you cause chronic inflammation. When chronic inflammation is present, you create an environment for nearly every single disease to manifest. You can add in anti-inflammatory foods like ginger, turmeric, raw vegetable juices, and blueberries to calm the inflammation, but unless you get rid of what’s causing the inflammation to begin with—the foods you consume every day—you will never get better.

‘Detox’ has become a buzzword often associated with diet and clean eating. Our bodies have built-in detox systems, but as we’ve become inundated with chemicals and toxins in every area of our lives, detoxing properly has become more difficult. In this program, you’ll get comprehensive strategies for reducing toxins in each area of your life to support your physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual health.

Benefits of an Elimination Diet

  • Improved Mood

  • Better Sleep

  • Weight Loss

  • Calmer Gut

  • Healing of Skin Conditions

  • Healing of Digestive Disorders

  • Reduction or Elimination of Joint Pain

  • Reduction or Elimination of Chronic Headaches

  • Management of Symptoms of Autoimmune Diseases

  • Better Absorption of Nutrients

  • Clearer Sinuses

  • Stronger Bones

  • Healing or Reducing Asthma

  • Eliminating Gas, Nausea, and Bloating After Meals

What You’ll Learn…

Lay the Foundation for What Detoxing Is and Why It Matters

You’ll be introduced to what detoxing really means and you will cultivate the tools you need to truly “live clean.” I’ll provide you with a solid foundation of what to expect and how the content will inspire you to shift your mind-set and make positive changes in your everyday life.

Nutrition: Reduce Toxins and Replenish with Nutrients That Protect the Whole Body

When it comes to food, there’s more to it than just “eating clean” or consuming organic whole foods. We will teach approaches to shifting the way you view and think about food. You’ll feel confident knowing how to nourish yourself with foods and supplements that energize you physically, mentally, and emotionally – and you’ll understand how to make healthier choices that are right for you.

Body: Choose Safe and Sustainable Products That Support You and the Planet

Because so many products we use are filled with chemicals and ingredients that can be harmful to our bodies, it’s essential to find clean and safe products that are also sustainable. We will explore what clean beauty means and empower you to make conscious choices that support the environment and align with your personal values.

Home: Create and Cultivate the Clean Living Space of Your Dreams

Make the most of your living space so it’s free of clutter, harmful chemicals, and negative energy. We will help you cultivate a space that enables you to sleep better, think clearer, and breathe easier. After all, a happier home translates to a happier you.

Mind: Become the Best Version of Yourself by Detoxing the Mind, Body, and Spirit

Our physical and emotional health may already be a priority, but more recently, our attention has shifted to include mental health, too. Our minds play an integral role in clean living – from mindfulness and self-care to energy and focus. Finding ways to release stress, calm our minds, and reboot are essential to living a happier and healthier life. You’ll develop a deeper understanding of how an open, clean mind empowers you to live the life you’ve always wanted and deserve!


  • The Elimination Diet Book- Will be mailed to your home once you register and we will begin reading mid-December to be fully prepared for our Jan 9th start!

  • Welcome and Quick Start Instructions

  • Prep-Phase Group Meeting and Q&A on January 2nd at 10:45am PST on ZOOM. You will receive instructions 7 days in advance of our start date!

  • Tips on how to set up your kitchen

  • Quick and Easy recipes

  • How to Meal Prep and Batch Cook

  • Private Facebook Support Group

  • Weekly Q&A group check-ins on ZOOM (Sundays at 10:45am PST)

Molly Kieland