September 2024 Members of the Month: Valentina & Alexey!

Meet September’s Epic Members of the month: Alexey Rybak & Valentina Komarova

This husband and wife team joined the FUELhouse community in June and July 2023. Alexey came to us with a background and was able to get going with classes right away. Valentina kicked her journey off with private foundations and has been rocking and rolling ever since.

These lovely humans are also raising a human - a beautiful daughter who are lucky to have these two by her side. We know how hard it is to prioritize your health and wellness as a parent, and we are honored they chose FUELhouse to get strong!

Continue reading to learn more about Alexey & Valentina in their own words!


Alexey Rybak

Valentina Komarova


Alexy: he/him

Find them on IG:

Alexy: @reluctantfuturist

Valentina: @vkomarova


Alexy: Product Manager at Perplexity

Valentina: Data Analyst

Where can you be found outside of the gym? What do you do for a living?

Alexy: Being a girl dad, running, building fun stuff with AI

Valentina: Looking for my first job in Data Analytics after grad school/career pivot

What are your hobbies?

Alexy: Hiking, sailing, playing an occasional video game

Valentina: Reading, traveling + a very recent interest in pottery

What brought you to FH in the first place?

Alexy: I wanted to find a place with a strong community

Valentina: A postpartum core recovery class taught by one of the PTs in the FH community. I taught yoga in gyms a lot, so I have a pretty good sense if a place has great community - so in a sneaky way I persuaded Alexey to join first and then he persuaded me to go together.


How are we so lucky you picked us (what are your favorite things about FH)?

Alexy: Amazing coaches and community

Valentina: Incredibly skilled, kind, fun and supportive coaches!


What sports or fitness things did you do before FH?

Alexy: Some strength and conditioning, running

Valentina: Yoga, Running


What programs are you currently involved in at FH and why? 

Alexy: Group classes -- I love the energy!

Valentina: Group classes

What goals are you working towards and/or what’s on your FH bucket list of things you’d like to accomplish?

Alexy: No specific goals, just getting fitter and stronger

Valentina: No specific goals, just enjoying getting stronger with consistent efforts


What makes you commit to training even on days you don't feel like it? 

Alexy: Mutual accountability with Valentina

Valentina: Coming to classes together with Alexey - we have a ritual, when we drop off our daughter at daycare, get coffee together and then head to class. As parents of a toddler we don't get a lot of time together, so these almost become our date mornings.


What's your favorite movement/exercise?

Alexy: Turkish get-up

Valentina: All the kettlebell moves - they are so technically complex and these is always something new to learn


What have been your “bright spots” (PRs or accomplishments are you most proud of)?  

Alexy: Feeling energized and not exhausted after a challenging workout

Valentina: Deadlifting 40 kg (When Coach Andrea told me that I totally can, I did not believe her, but she was right!)

How have these accomplishments affected your life?

Alexy: I feel much more able to take care of our unruly toddler :D

Valentina: I am a stronger runner and I can lift my daughter easily when she asks me to!

What is on your general bucket list for life?

Alexy: Run a marathon

Valentina: Long term - moving and getting the experience of living in another country again, short term - training for Portland half marathon.

Tell us a little known fact about yourself or what’s something most people don’t know about you?

Alexy: I took care of 7 feral cats in our neighborhood at some point

Valentina: The first country Alexey and I moved to after leaving Russia, was Iceland - we survived two winters there before moving to the US


What's your favorite thing about being a FUELhouse member?

Alexy: The amazing community

Valentina: Community - FH does attract some amazing people!


What was your first impression of FH?  How has that changed?

Alexy: The first impression was great, and it only changed for the better

Valentina: Fun, gritty, welcoming place - still the same


What advice do you have for new (or experienced!) new friends trying out FH?

Alexy: Just get going!

Valentina: Trust the coaches!

Hayley Magwire