Member Spotlight: Quinn Brasel
Meet one of January’s Epic Members of the month: Quinn Brasel! (pictured above; left)
For January’s EPIC Member of the month, we’re highlighting three dedicated individuals! John Wachter, Quinn Brasel, and Bradley Stueby. Nominated by Coach Nichole; she said: “They always work super hard Tuesdays and Thursdays when I am at the studio early. They hardly ever miss and deserve all the 👏.”
Quinn joined FUELhouse in June of 2021, completed our TSC squad in September and rocked her first TSC in October! She has accomplished so much with us in her first 6 months :)
Name: Quinn Brasel
Occupation: Social media manager, personal trainer
IG: @quinnbrasel
Where can you be found outside of the gym? What do you do for a living?
Somewhere in Ballard during the week. Exploring trails, mountains on the weekends. Juggling various passion projects including personal training + photography + working remotely at coffeeshops.
What are your hobbies?
Trail running, rock climbing, cooking, learning to skateboard, backcountry skiing, learning guitar, photography, and seeing live music.
What brought you to FH in the first place?
interested in the kettlebell focus, always heard good things from coworkers at NW fitness project
How are we so lucky you picked us (what are your favorite things about FH)?
The coaches + community + welcoming atmosphere
What sports or fitness things did you do before FH?
Tried a little bit of everything in the past- boxing, trail-running, strength training and skiing
What programs are you currently involved in at FH and why?
Group classes! Love the group energy and variety within each class
What goals are you working towards and/or what’s on your FH bucket list of things you’d like to accomplish?
Another tactical strength challenge + simple and sinister
What makes you commit to training even on days you don't feel like it?
I actually genuinely look forward to coming to every class- no extra motivation needed..
What's your favorite movement/exercise?
Turkish getups and sled pushes
What have been your “bright spots” (PRs or accomplishments are you most proud of)?
Being part of the TSC in October and working in small groups to prepare.
How have these accomplishments affected your life?
The experience definitely pushed me out of my comfort zone
What is on your general bucket list for life?
Live in Europe, learn how to surf, become fluent in another language, lead trail-running retreats in the USA + internationally, complete a meditation retreat
Tell us a little known fact about yourself or what’s something most people don’t know about you?
I've climbed all the volcanoes in Washington
What's your favorite thing about being a FUELhouse member?
Having a specific class where everyone is a familiar face, and the coaches great energy always :)
What was your first impression of FH? How has that changed?
How approachable the gym was in general- I remember talking to Molly on the phone for over 30 minutes when I was initially interested and it impressed me that she took the time to do that. That first impression has only improved!
What advice do you have for new (or experienced!) new friends trying out FH?
Take advantage of the variety of backgrounds the coaches present and ask questions!