OG Member Spotlight: Kelsey Vollmer

Name: Kelsey, FH Member since 2014

Occupation: K-5 Science Teacher

FH Coach: Tiff Kelley

  1. Where can you be found outside of the gym? What do you do for a living?  

    In a non-pandemic world, I can be found in my science lab at The Meridian School, helping students wonder and explore through hands-on experiments and projects. In a pandemic world, I am doing the same thing, just through Zoom.

  2. What are your hobbies? 

    I really like to work on the outdoor space at our house, cook and bake, and watch movies.

  3. What brought you to FH in the first place?  

    I moved to Seattle in 2014 and was bouncing around to different fitness programs using an app called FitMob. Molly was coaching bootcamp classes in the Salsa Con Todo space and I remember the first day I showed up for one of her classes she asked me how I was feeling and if she could do anything for me? This may seem like a typical question one could get asked, but I remember it feeling so genuine and caring. I had been going to so many fitness classes in this brand new city and not one instructor had asked me about me. I kept coming back to her classes and in 2015 she opened Fuelhouse and invited me to come along. I wasn't sure, I had never paid so much money for a gym membership in my life, but I decided to give it a try and it has been one of the best decisions of my life...obviously. :)

  4. How are we so lucky you picked us (what are your favorite things about FH)?  

    My favorite things about Fuelhouse are the people. It is so nice to walk into a space and feel welcome and that has been Fuelhouse from Day 1. Everyone has each other's backs and I have made so many friends in the community. FH is a large part of why I consider Seattle "home" even though I did not grow up here.

  5. What sports or fitness things did you do before FH?  

    I always played sports as a kid, starting with summer softball and basketball. In high school I played golf and threw the shot put and discus. I never considered myself a runner (I am very slow), but in my senior year of college a couple of professors offered a marathon training course and I thought I would give it a try. I could barely run a mile when I started, but by the end of the semester I ran a half marathon and kept doing that for several years along with some boot camp programs here and there. FH has taught me how much I love to "lift heavy shit" and I haven't looked back

  6. What programs are you currently involved in at FH (group classes, individualized program design, personal training, nutrition?) and why? 

    When everything shut down over a year ago, I was so thankful the coaches of Fuelhouse pivoted and started offering virtual classes. It has been such a blessing this entire year. My husband is immunocompromised, so we have had to take this pandemic and all of the precautions pretty seriously. I am so grateful that FH is continuing with virtual classes (which are working well for me). This has allowed me to keep training and not rush the decision to come back to in person classes.

  7. If personal training, who is your Coach? 

    Due to lack of home equipment, I did miss my favorite activity, lifting heavy shit, so I reached out to Coach Tiff to see if we could figure something out. She was able to create a virtual coaching program for me centered around deadlifts, squats, and bench. I would come in once a week, when there were fewer people in the gym to get my workout in. It's been so amazing and Tiff is such a good listener and thoughtful coach. She also helped me get my nutrition back on track after several pandemic months of free feeding...ha!

  8. What makes you commit to training even on days you don't feel like it? 

    One thing Fuelhouse has taught me is that a fitness membership is an investment in health (not only physical, but mental as well). I can tell when I haven't worked out in a few days, because I feel antsy and yet sluggish. One session at the gym and my whole mind settles down and I feel like I can focus again. Because I have been doing this pretty consistently for several years, I am able to recognize these feelings and know that if I just get myself to one session I will feel much better and the motivation will come back. Not only that, but I know as soon as I walk through the door or join the zoom session, I will be greeted with smiling faces who are happy to have me. No better feeling than that!

  9. What's your favorite movement/exercise?  

    KB - Snatches BB - Deadlifts

  10. What have been your “bright spots” (PRs or accomplishments are you most proud of)?  

    When I started working with Coach Tiff back in October, I wasn't aiming for PRs, I just wanted to lift, but 12 weeks later I hit my all time deadlift PR (250) and a pretty significant squat weight (215) that I hadn't hit since participating in Coach Sokol's Stronglifts Program a few years ago. All because Coach Tiff suggested I try out some of those heavier weights. This is why having great coaches (which all FH coaches are) makes all the difference in my fitness journey.

    • How have these accomplishments affected your life?  

      It helps me realize with some persistence and work, I can do hard things.

  11. What’s on your general bucket list for life?  

    I am not generally a bucket list kind of person, but one destination I have had on my travel list for several years now is Antarctica.

  12. Tell us a little known fact about yourself or what’s something most people don’t know about you?  

    I am an introvert that has mostly figured out how to live in an extrovert world. I CAN socialize, but I would much rather be at home. :)

  13. What's your favorite thing about being a FUELhouse athlete?  

    As a woman, it is hard to feel comfortable in a gym setting, but Fuelhouse has members of all shapes and sizes, ages and abilities, and I have never felt less than or better than another member.  We are all there as a community working together with the goal of being happier and healthier, and I will always be grateful to the Fuelhouse team for creating such a beautiful fitness environment.

  14. What was your first impression of FH?  How has that changed?  

    First impression: Whoa, Molly is a really great coach! Current impression: Whoa, Molly, Jeff, Brian, Tiff, Kari, Kiel, Dre, Abbey, Hayley, Mike, Steph, Josh, Maria, and Meghan are really great coaches. And look at all of these members! Some of the coolest humans on the planet! How does Fuelhouse attract such amazing people to their community?

  15. What advice do you have for new (or experienced!) new friends trying out FH?  

    It takes time. If you are new to the KB or BB or even just the gym, it can seem like everyone else knows exactly what they are doing and they are so much better than you. The truth is we are all on a journey, some farther than others, but our journeys never end. Even though I have been getting better at many of the lifts, I am still working on technique and I would make a strong bet that our coaches are as well. Take it one session at a time, cheer on the person next to you, and come back the next day.

Molly KielandFUELhouse