Member Spotlight: John Wachter

"The three amigos" (John pictured center)

Meet one of January’s Epic Members of the month: John Wachter! (pictured above; center)
For January’s EPIC Member of the month, we’re highlighting three dedicated individuals! John Wachter, Quinn Brasel, and Bradley Stueby. Nominated by Coach Nichole; she said: “They always work super hard Tuesdays and Thursdays when I am at the studio early. They hardly ever miss and deserve all the 👏.”

John got started at FUELhouse in January of 2019, so it’s very special that we’re highlighting him at his 2 year anniversary with us! John always comes in with a can-do attitude, and a smile on his face (yes it can be seen with his mask on!) :) You can usually find John attending morning classes, and sometimes a double header! He’s always ready to support others around him with a fist bump and words of encouragement! Get to know more about John and his inspiring aphorisms and axioms below.

Name: John Wachter

Occupation: Security Guard / Best uncle in town? (we think so!)

IG: @johnimus35

Where can you be found outside of the gym? What do you do for a living?

Yeah I work security for one of our major tech companies in town. NO, I don't get to foil many terrorist take-overs or kick that much ass, but I will very pleasantly ask you to verify your vax status, or help you get your parking validated!


What are your hobbies?

Reading, art, writing, meditation, going for walks and being the best possible uncle to my niece and nephew!

What brought you to FH in the first place?

I found FUELhouse thru my sister. She signed us up as a Christmas prize in 2018 and I have been stuck like a tick since!


How are we so lucky you picked us (what are your favorite things about FH)?

I have loved being a part of the community. I love that coaches and players both care about my presence. They are happy when I'm there to succeed and they notice when I'm absent. it makes me feel like it matters! It makes it a priority for me to work hard and shines a light on the journey to great gainz!


What sports or fitness things did you do before FH?

I started working out 22 years ago and I've done a bit of everything. lifting, running, swimming. I loved running a lot. I did some marathons and triathlons until I blew up a knee in 2012. Long distance running left the menu for a while; I've been lifting and mixed-strength style workouts ever since!


What programs are you currently involved in at FH and why? 

I am a full-on 6am warrior right now! I love rolling into the gym before the sun comes up and seeing the sunrise on my way home. I also find the Saturday morning workouts very satisfying, its always challenging and different, it feels like a special "party" workout (that might just be in my own head) It works tho!


What goals are you working towards and/or what’s on your FH bucket list of things you’d like to accomplish?

My pie in the sky would be to get my name up on the Sinister Board, patience tho! for now I just enjoy exploring around the forest and foothills of that mountain.  Crushing at the next TSC would be on my horizon as well.


What makes you commit to training even on days you don't feel like it? 

That's when it matters the most! My first job after high school was at a gym and I've been around them for 25 years, between that and running for years I have a ton of aphorisms and axioms about pain and gain and what-not (most are bull-shit). It boils down to get off your ass, in (or out) the door, and don't injure yourself. Do that and you have already won!


What's your favorite movement/exercise?

I am currently having a love affair with bottoms-up KB get ups. I have a steady long-term relationship with deadlifts. push-ups and bench press are like my high-school sweetheart, and I'll always take a call from burpees or hard-style planks (not pull-thru or shoulder-touchies) the plain janes. 


What have been your “bright spots” (PRs or accomplishments are you most proud of)?  

I was very proud of myself when I first accomplished simple. I was on the road back from a fairly difficult place and it meant a lot to me to feel strong physically and mentally in that moment. I remember getting a pat on the back from Sokol and feeling a much needed sense of gratitude and empowerment. I've done it several times since, but the first time was a moment when I felt I was still in the fight!


How have these accomplishments affected your life?

Every step along the process is what makes it rewarding. A milestone like "simple" is really just a shorthand for saying that you went thru the process. Learning to handle a bell, of showing up everyday, of building both your mental fortitude and your physical craft. It says that you have the ability to not give-up because it was hard or because you weren't good at it. you learned from your mistakes, got a callous; kept going. Hurts your back; ask for help, do it better; kept going.  like a piece of art the finished product is only a fractional representation of every bit of sweat, thought and spirit that made it.

What is on your general bucket list for life?

I've gone back to school in the last year. I am studying to get my degree in psychology. I am hoping to work as a counselor. I would love for my job to be helping people feel better.

Tell us a little known fact about yourself or what’s something most people don’t know about you?

When I was in my 20s I was the lead singer in a classic rock cover-band called "bad-influence".  All the other members were my Dad's age. We played at bars all over Nebraska (I grew up there)/Kansas/Iowa.  I had long hair then. It was a lot of fun!


What's your favorite thing about being a FUELhouse member?

I love the other FUELhouse members and the coaches. buildings are buildings we've had 2, weights are just shaped chunks of iron they can be found a bunch of places. It sounds corny, but people make all the difference! I have been to plenty of gyms in my life where I didn't talk to anyone, plenty where it seemed like people were all competing against me and visa-versa. FUELhouse feels like a home where people just want me around and want to help me be better


What was your first impression of FH?  How has that changed?

My sister signed us up for a foundations group that was at 530 am. I was not the morning warrior that I have become. It was tough and so I immediately thought it wasn't for me. I stuck with it because my sister is awesome and she pushed me. I've had some personal ups and downs in the time I've been with the gym, but Molly and everyone else have always made me feel like a part of the club since the first day (even when I was resistant). So for the "how has it changed" part I'd refer you back to some of the other answers. I'm glad to be a part of it.


What advice do you have for new (or experienced!) new friends trying out FH?

Just keep showing up.  No change that I've ever made has come with out pain. When my goal has been to avoid pain nothing had ever gotten better. Sometimes the only way out of the storm is to turn into it.  I said I knew a lot of old aphorisms and axioms, here's another gem... The safest place to run is in the middle of the herd! Keep showing up, get in the middle of the herd let it protect you from falling behind and carry you when you're tired. If everyone around you is moving its hard to sit still. 

Hayley Magwire