Member Spotlight: Beth Trakimas!

Meet July’s Epic Member of the month: Beth!
Beth started out at FUELhouse with a Test Out trial month in June of 2018. July 2018 was her first group class membership with us which means she is marking her FOURTH year at FUELhouse! We are deeply honored that Beth continues to show up. Juggling the schedules of two kids, work, family, and more, Beth continues to find ways to keep it going. From individualized remote programming, to private training, to group classes, Beth has found a way to get strong and keep moving with us. I can ramble on about Beth, but I’ll let the other coaches share their experience with Beth…

“She is strong AF, has strength goals she is persistent about achieving, SHOWS UP when she comes in ready to workout.” - Coach Kari

“Beth is one BadAss mama! Pure of heart and a lover of nature! Like Kari said, she’s strong as fuuuuck and is always down to throw down. She’s achieved Simple and is chasing the Sinister goal (though not as actively at this time due to life circumstances)” - Coach Brian

“Ditto to all of this - but mostly, her attitude is my favorite. she brings others up around her and its awesome to watch.” - Coach Abbey

Please continue reading below to learn more about your EPIC member of the month, Beth Trakimas! She’s the bomb 💣 🔥 💥

Name: Beth Trakimas

Preferred pronoun(s): she/her

Occupation: Management Consultant

IG: @laughhardlovehard

Where can you be found outside of the gym? What do you do for a living?

Hiking, Camping, Traveling, Eating Ice Cream, at concerts, bookstores and art exhibits. For a living? My trade is Business/HR, but my passion is empowering people. Specifically I use my strengths in understanding business and people together to help create healthier human centered work environments.

What are your hobbies?

Reading, cooking, quality time outdoors and with friends

What brought you to FH in the first place?

I moved here from Portland and was looking for a place to move my body


How are we so lucky you picked us (what are your favorite things about FH)?

I have been a FH member for four years (gasp!). this is a big deal for me because I usually move on from an exercise routine in search of a new challenge. However, FH programming and people are always dynamic and keep things fresh and interesting. I've benefited from the consistency of the place, but the variety of the practice


What sports or fitness things did you do before FH?

Hiking, spin classes, HIIT classes, and tennis


What programs are you currently involved in at FH and why? 

At the moment due to my life demands group classes only. however, I have benefited from personal training and nutrition support in the past and am sure I will again in the future. I love the flexibility of all the offerings and I'm confident it's what's helped me stick around.


What goals are you working towards and/or what’s on your FH bucket list of things you’d like to accomplish?

Sinister and a Pull Up!!


What makes you commit to training even on days you don't feel like it? 

I know in my soul that I always feel better after a workout. I literally remind myself of that when I'm hesitant and I never regret the decision to show up.


What's your favorite movement/exercise?

I love lifting heavy things and anything that lights my core up


What have been your “bright spots” (PRs or accomplishments are you most proud of)?  

Completing Simple in Nov of 2020 just in time for my 40th bday AND I can actually do a snatch. When I first joined FH I saw people doing snatches and thought "that looks really intimidating" - now I'm one of those people!


How have these accomplishments affected your life?

I have confidence that I can do things that initially seem hard or intimidating

What is on your general bucket list for life?

Visit all seven continents (#6 on the list for winter 2023) and hike the PCT

Tell us a little known fact about yourself or what’s something most people don’t know about you?

I live with intense anxiety and depression. Sometimes it flattens me to the point of not being functional. Exercise is the thing that has always helped me even in those hardest moments.


What's your favorite thing about being a FUELhouse member?

I can show up as my authentic self and feel truly supported. I hope others get that energy from me too in return.


What was your first impression of FH?  How has that changed?

It's about being healthy not about being the most fit. That hasn't changed and I'm very grateful.


What advice do you have for new (or experienced!) new friends trying out FH?

You can do anything with this crew around you. Also, those of us at the 6am class are not chatty, but we are nice - promise!

Hayley Magwire