March 2024 Member of the Month: Mary "Cindi" Bemowski
Meet March’s Epic Member of the month Mary "Cindi" Bemowski!
While this might be a nickname we’re forcing on Cindi, we can’t help ourselves…we are pleased to introduce to you: Cindi “Burn the Ships” Bemowski 🏴☠️ Cindi has been working 1:1 with Coach Sokol since May 2023, health coaching with Molly since June 2023, and has recently added in a group class once a week. For those that don’t know, we’ve recently been challenging our membership to a tough challenge once a week called Burn the Ships. It occurs the Friday of each week and a new workout is released each month. Cindi has challenged herself to attend these classes (with the guidance from her coach, Sokol), and has been making gains each week! Cindi came to us from some time away from the gym, and is determined and dedicated to get stronger to live her best life. We’ve already seen an amazing transformation from Cindi and can’t wait to continue watching her grow with us! With her continued focus on movement, mindset, nutrition and consistency, we know she’ll continue flourishing! Check out what our coaches had to say about her, and continue below to learn more about Cindi in her own words!
👉 “It’s takes a brave individual to come in first class into a Friday at 9am group class, nevertheless a Burn the Ships class but that Cindi did it! Kudos to her!” - Coach Kari
👉 “Cindi is so consistent with her time at the gym. It has been so awesome seeing her progress and continue to excel with each visit!” - Coach Brian
👉 "Cindi comes in with a smile and a joke at the ready. I love seeing her determination to improve and get stronger. She’s made such amazing progress and being witness to it is truly inspiring!” - Coach Kathryn
👉 “Cindi is everything that makes coaching special. The first day she came in with two walking sticks through the garage door. Now because of her hard work and dedication, she’s coming through the front door with no walking sticks at all. She comes to every session ready to work and leaves every session having given her all. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve had a hold back tears of joy. I can go on praising her forever, but the bottom line is, Cindi is a very special human and I’m so happy that her quality of life is improving.” - Coach Sokol
👉 “Cindi is living proof that it's never too late to start your strength journey! She is a kind human radiating serious spirit. Go Cindi!” - Coach Vincent
👉 “I love seeing Cindy’s progress! From walking in with walking sticks to now barbell Deadlifting! Such a power house. She is the epitome of consistency and how it pays off. Strong work!” - Coach Dre
👉 “Mannnnn I wish I knew Cindy! She sounds dope.” - Coach Abbey
👉 “Cindi “Burn the Ships” Bemowski is why I love my job. It is a true honor to be a part of her health journey as her nutrition coach. Her willingness to try new things and consistency in “showing up” is why she is going to have an unforgettable 2024. I look so forward to our weekly check ins. That smile. That dry sense of humor. I get her. She gets me. We love you BTSB” - Coach Mol
And now from Cindi in her own words…
Name: Cindi Bemowski
Pronoun(s): She/her
IG handle: @mcbemowski
Occupation: Transit Operator & Planner
Where can you be found outside of the gym? What do you do for a living?
I'm retired so options are unlimited!
What are your hobbies?
Cycling, quilting, visiting family and friends
What brought you to FH in the first place?
I wanted to train with Jeff Sokol
How are we so lucky you picked us (what are your favorite things about FH)?
The high level of coaching and varied workouts of classes I observe; Sokol's workouts that build on skill levels I work towards; plus everyone is so darn positive and encouraging!
What sports or fitness things did you do before FH?
I have a checkered past with CrossFit, kettlebells, weight lifting, and hiking
What programs are you currently involved in at FH and why?
Personal training for strength and mobility, Health coaching for lifestyle changes, and Burn The Ships for humility!
What goals are you working towards and/or what’s on your FH bucket list of things you’d like to accomplish?
This year it's being able to swing kettlebells again and join FuelStrong classes.
What makes you commit to training even on days you don't feel like it?
Discovering movements I couldn't do without assistance when I first started. And noticing other members show up consistently. I was at a gym with some of them 10 years ago. They continued when I floundered. If they can show up for 10 years then I can for a few hours a week!
What's your favorite movement/exercise?
At the moment pushups using a bar.
What have been your “bright spots” (PRs or accomplishments are you most proud of)?
Deadlifts and squats, adding a weekly Burn the Ships workout, and getting down and up from the rowers without assistance.
How have these accomplishments affected your life?
My mobility has improved and I can stand longer, walk short distances without a walking stick, and have better balance.
What is on your general bucket list for life?
Hiking again and travel.
Tell us a little known fact about yourself or what’s something most people don’t know about you?
I traveled solo to Sri Lanka 40 years ago and stayed in a small Catholic fishing village. One night I watched the fishermen prep and launch the fleet. Apparently they had a tremendous catch that night and their village chief wanted to meet me. We were introduced and he thanked me for praying for the fleet while I was kneeling on the beach observing the launch! Little did they know I was kneeling because I'd been drinking at Uncle's, the local tavern, and I couldn't stand without swaying!
What's your favorite thing about being a FUELhouse member?
Being around all these positive, strong, badass members!
What was your first impression of FH? How has that changed?
From my first day of training people were friendly and encouraging.
What advice do you have for new (or experienced!) new friends trying out FH?
You won't find another gym like this one!