January 2023 Members of the Month: Brit Mercer & Brian Oseran

Meet our January 2023 Epic Members of the month Brit Mercer & Brian Oseran!

Brit started at FUELhouse shortly after we opened in 2015! Brian made his debut in January 2020 by way of private foundations. What’s so cool about Brit and Brian is that they didn’t let the pandemic & multiple shutdowns stand in their way of getting stronger. 💪 They have been virtually training with us since March of 2020. That’s over 2.5 years of self-driven dedication! We of course would love to have them in the flesh again at some point; for now we are so happy to see them consistently show up on screen 🥰 Keep reading below to learn about Brit & Brian + check out what some of our coaches have to say about them.

“They are always on time and ready to workout. They have the sessions pulled up on their phones and equipment at the ready. They are great at subbing exercises when they don’t have the necessary equipment. Brian takes off his shirt which motivates me to eat better. So yeah, they are awesome!” — Coach Sokol

“The one thing I miss most about not coaching evening classes is Brit! I wish she was in person so I could at least run into her but alas a random zoom interaction is all I get. She is fiercely dedicated to any goal she decides she is going to achieve whether it’s horses, dogs or fitness. We share our love of our favorite exercise being the Deadlift - HAH! Both Brit and Brian are very receptive to coaching which makes them ideal to have in class. Along with being super regimented in showing up, especially when they could probably be doing a lot of other things at home instead of choosing to workout.” — Coach Kari


Brit Mercer

Brian Oseran


Brit: she/her

Brian: he/him


Brit: criminal defense attorney

Brian: real estate developer


Brit: @britmercer @brianoseran

Brian: @brianoseran

Where can you be found outside of the gym? What do you do for a living?

Brit: I am a criminal defense attorney, but when I'm not working, I try to spend as much time as possible riding my horse, Ditto, or playing with our puppy, Woody!

Brian: I am a real estate developer and am currently building a medical office and surgery center north of Seattle. When I'm not working, I'm usually at the gym, running, riding my bike.

What are your hobbies?

Anyone who knows me will tell you that I've really always only had one hobby - horses! They are pretty all consuming and I spend as much time as I can at the barn. But Woody gets to come, so I guess my hobby is smothering my animals with more love than they sometimes want. Brian has only two speeds, in full motion or full rest. He finds a nice balance between running/riding his bike/working out and watching Formula 1 races and serving on the board of a local non-profit.

What brought you to FH in the first place?

Brit: I found FH through ClassPass a month after Molly opened. I saw how much loved FHand was looking for ways to supplement my oh-so-boring 20 year workout routine and eventually joined just in time for the pandemic to close the gym.

Brian: I saw how much loved FHand was looking for ways to supplement my oh-so-boring 20 year workout routine and eventually joined just in time for the pandemic to close the gym.


How are we so lucky you picked us (what are your favorite things about FH)?

Brit: FH changed my life! Even though I was working out a lot before joining, I wasn't seeing any results. In my first year at FH, I lost 35 lbs and more importantly, have never felt healthier.

Brian: I've really enjoyed learning new skills, particularly kettlebells, and the varied nature of the workouts. Having Zoom workouts to look forward to during the pandemic was a total bright spot! FH also forces me to workout with more intensity than my normal snail pace.


What sports or fitness things did you do before FH?

Brit: I did a lot of barre and yoga, but not much lifting and I had never touched a kettlebell. Never expected that would become one of my very favorite ways to workout.

Brian: I did a lot of solo gym workouts, which got a little monotonous and I didn't push myself nearly as much.


What programs are you currently involved in at FH and why? 

We love the virtual format. Since the pandemic we have still felt more comfortable working outside a group setting, but we were able to build a decent gym in our basement and are frequently logged in to the afternoon classes most days. We hope that as time moves on we'll be able to get back to more in person classes, but for now we're super grateful to have all the options and support right at home!


What goals are you working towards and/or what’s on your FH bucket list of things you’d like to accomplish?

Brit: FH has helped me feel better and stronger in every aspect of my life. I am constantly working to perfect my snatches and cleans. Sinister sounds like a crazy goal, but maybe someday!

Brian: I want to continue to maintain my strength, improve my form, and minimize lagging injuries.


What makes you commit to training even on days you don't feel like it? 

Brit: All I have to do is look at a picture of myself pre-Fuelhouse and that is all the motivation it takes. I have NEVER felt worse after a workout, so even when I don't want to workout, it's always worth it.

Brian: I have an absolute dedication to consistency. I feel mentally and physically incomplete without moving my body every day.


What's your favorite movement/exercise?

Brit: I love a get up! Give me all the get ups!

Brian: Hmmm....I'll tell you what it isn't! Burpees.


What have been your “bright spots” (PRs or accomplishments are you most proud of)?  

Brit: Getting Simple was a big moment for me. But mostly, my bright spot is how much more fit and content I am with my health since joining FH.

Brian: I feel pretty good (and pretty sore) every Memorial Day after we complete the Murph.


How have these accomplishments affected your life?

Brit: I was headed in a bad direction with my health and fitness before Molly and FH came into my life. Thankfully now, at 46, I have never felt stronger or healthier. I love that my fitness continues to get better as I'm aging.

Brian: FH workouts have definitely improved my riding (bike), particularly my endurance on climbs.

What is on your general bucket list for life?

Brit & Brian: I want to be as active and fit as I am now when I'm 80!

Tell us a little known fact about yourself or what’s something most people don’t know about you?

Brit: I can put my whole fist in my mouth.

Brian: I have a background in musical theater and tap dance.


What's your favorite thing about being a FUELhouse member?

Brit: Where to start!? FH taught me to shift my workout focus to being strong and healthy and not just to workout to fit into a certain size pants. Not only am I much healthier and stronger because of FH, I have made some awesome friends, shared a lot of good laughs, and been part of a totally awesome community of like minded people.

Brian: The variety of workouts and being able to just show up and have a great workout without having to think about it too much.


What was your first impression of FH?  How has that changed?

Brit: FH has grown and evolved so much from when I first joined, but one thing that I have felt from day one is totally supported and never judged. I love that FH both pushes me out of my own fitness comfort zone without ever making me feel like I'm not as good as anyone else. I love that every level and stage has a perfect home at FH.

Brian: It is really a community. And the longer I've been a member, the more I understand how true that really is.


What advice do you have for new (or experienced!) new friends trying out FH?

Brit: Try everything with an open mind! You will do things you never though you would do and they might become your favorite things. Also, don' t think that just because you're not doing full out cardio every class that you're not getting an awesome workout.

Brian: Start with a series with one of the coaches. It is a great way to jump into the group classes and feel capable and comfortable.

Hayley Magwire