IMPORTANT REMINDER: Reservation/Check In Policy at FUELhouse!

As you know we have updated our No Show/Late Cancelation policy (went into effect on Nov 8th) and we are here to remind you that it is the members responsibility to Reserve and Check In for your scheduled class/session either from the ZenPlanner Member App on your phone or at the Kiosk located at our Front Desk before every class!  Unfortunately, if you do not manually check yourself in, then you will be listed as a "no show".  The FH Coaches will do their best to double check ZP, but this is ultimately the members responsibility!

While we're here... we also wanted to remind you about our MEMBER HUB.  This is where you can access our FAQ's, appointment booking links like quarterly goal setting sessions and nutrition consultations, skill sessions, personal training, membership hold request form and more!

Molly Kieland