GirlsGoneRX Seattle: July 17th @ FUELhouse


First 10 teams to use code "early" will save 15% off registration

Girls Weekend is Here!

4 Team Workouts
3 Person All Female Teams
2 Divisions
1 Day Event

Girls Gone Rx is so much more than just another competition. Our events are brought together by women who are extremely dedicated to empowerment and uplifting others. We focus on Competing For a Cure throughout our communities.

Girls Gone Rx focuses on community over competition; celebrating all the powerful women who want to change the world. All of our events benefit Breast Cancer Charities around the globe!

Divisions details to help you decide what to register for-

RX Division :: Your team can efficiently do the following: pull-ups, double unders, & handstand pushups. Can efficiently do a full Squat Snatch and/or full Squat Clean & Jerk at or above 95lbs.

BAM Division (Badass In the Making) :: Athletes that are new to the competition scene or beginners. Needs to do modifications like jumping pull-ups, new to olympic lifting, and needs to modify most of the workouts.

What to possibly expect....

Workout No. 1

With a 12 minute clock for Max Load:

50 Double Unders (BAM: Single Unders)

5RM Front Squat

Score: Sum of Athlete 1 Lifts + Athlete 2 Lifts + Athlete 3 Lifts


At 3-2-1-GO, Athlete 1 will complete 50 double unders and complete a 5rm front squat at any weight. Then Athlete 2 will complete 50 double unders and complete a 5rm front squat at any weight. Next Athlete 3 will complete 50 double unders and complete a 5rm front squat. All front squats are from the ground, and a squat clean may be used as the first repetition. The team will continue this pattern, throughout the entire duration of the workout. Athletes may not switch Athlete order, and may not complete their front squats until all double unders are completed. The next athlete may not start until the previous athlete has completed all 50 double unders AND all 5 front squats. Each Athlete can complete their front squats at any weight, and may be constantly changed (with the help of the non-working athletes). At the end of the 12 minutes, the teams score will be the sum of all successful 5rm lifts (without multiplication).

Team will be given a 35lb barbell, collars, and the following weight sets: 45lbs, 25lbs, 15lbs, 10lbs, 5lbs, and 2.5lbs

Squats will be completed from the ground, and collars must be used every time.

The first repetition may be a power clean + front squat, or a squat clean. In any scenario the other two athletes MAY NOT assist in any way to bring the barbell front the ground the working athletes shoulders.

Front Squats must have hip crease pass below the height of the knee, and return back to a standing position with hips and knees at full extension.

All 5 repetitions must be completed unbroken. More repetitions may be completed without putting the barbell down if needed to make 5 good repetitions.

Score Example: Athlete 1 Lifts: 155, 155, 125… Athlete 2 Lifts: 105, 105, 85… Athlete3 Lifts: 185, 185. The team score would be 1,100lbs

Workout No. 2

AMRAP in 7 Minutes

5 Snatch 85lbs (BAM: Cleans 85lbs)

7 Medicine Ball Passover 20lb Medicine Ball, 30” (BAM: 14lb Medicine Ball, 30”)

9 Hand Release Burpee Box Jump Over 20” (BAM: Step Up OK)

Score: Repetitions


One Athlete will work at a time during the Snatch/Clean, Two Athletes will be resting. Two Athletes will be working at a time during the Medicine Ball Passovers, One Athlete will be resting. One Athlete will work at a time during the Burpee BJO, Two Athletes will be resting. Athletes may rotate in and out of the workout movements at any point during the duration of the workout.

In the Snatch the Athlete will bring the barbell from the ground to overhead in 1 motion, finishing with arms locked out, barbell in the midline of the body, hips and knees fully extended and feet back inline. In the Clean the Athlete will bring the barbell from the ground to shoulders in one motion, finishing with elbows in front of the barbell, hips and knees fully extended and feet back inline. In either movement, the Athlete may complete any of the variations: Muscle, Power, Split, or Squat.

Medicine Ball Passovers: Two Athletes will be facing each other with a box laid on the ground so that Athletes are 30” apart. The Athletes feet must be touching or behind the box at all times. Athletes have the choice to use a AbMat or not. A Athlete will start with a medicine ball seated, lay back so that the ball comes in contact with the ground behind their head, and sit-up and throw the ball to the other Athlete for 1 repetition. Athletes have the choice to throw the ball as they sit-up, or sit-up and throw the ball.

Hand Release Burpee BJO: Athletes will start from a standing position, touch their chest to the ground, release both hands at the same time from the ground, jump onto the box with two feet (step-ups ok for BAM division) either laterally or facing, and the movement finishes when both feet are on the ground on the opposite side of the box.

Score: Repetitions

Workout No. 3

For Time/Cap 10:

200 Squats 25lb Bumper Plate (BAM: 15lb Bumper Plate)

60 Pull-Ups (BAM: Ring-Rows)

100 Squats 25lb Bumper Plate (BAM: 15lb Bumper Plate)

30 Pull-Ups (BAM: Ring-Rows)


Each Athlete will have their own bumper plate throughout the duration of the workout. If any of the 3 bumper plates are set on the ground at any point during the duration of the workout, a 10sec penalty will be accessed to the team’s score, and the team may not continue work until all plates are off the ground. During the Pull Ups/Toes to Bar portion of the workout, the working Athlete will hand off their plate to a non-working Athlete to hold.

1 Athlete works at a time throughout the duration of the workout, however Athletes may rotate at any point. There is no work requirement for this workout.

Squats: An Athlete will hold a bumper plate across their chest or on their shoulders. The bumper plate may not in any way, be resting on the Athletes legs or in a way that makes the weight “lighter”. Non-Working Athletes have the same standard.

Pull-Ups: An Athlete will hang from the pull up bar with feet free from the ground and arms fully extended. The Athlete will then pull themselves to the top of the pull-up bar. At the top of the movement, the chin must clearly be over the height of the pull-up bar and break the horizontal plane of the bar for 1 repetition. An Overhand, Underhand, or mixed grip are all allowed if the standard is met.

Ring-Rows: The bottom of the rings will be set to 3ft off the ground. The Athlete will stand directly underneath the pull-up bar and lean back leaving their feet in place until their arms are straight. The Athlete will begin the movement with straight arms and both heels on the ground. The Athlete will then pull the rings to touch their ribs for 1 repetition. The Athlete must maintain a straight planked body position with knees locked out and with no sagging of the hips throughout the movement.

Score: Time


For Max Calories on Rower

Athlete 1: Max Calories in 4 Minutes

Athlete 2: Max Calories in 3 Minutes

Athlete 1: Max Calories in 2 Minutes

Score: Athlete 1 Cals + Athlete 2 Cals + Athlete 3 Cals


Athletes will pick what row interval they want, and will set the rower to count down the time. Once the rower time has expired, the calories will be noted, and the Athletes will add their respective intervals total cals together for 1 team cal score.

Rowers must be set to stop counting at the Athletes chosen interval.

This is not a continues clock event.

Score: Total Team Cals