Epic Human Group Program is Open!

EPIC HUMAN Group Program
The power of now.

I truly love the Fall and Winter months. For me it's a time for making choices and taking inspired action. It is about establishing commitments and leaping forth – feeling full with the drive to start new routines and draw clear boundaries.

I’m looking for friends who are ready to seize this moment right now to make clear choices about their health and leap into committed action.

What if you took control right now before waiting for the new year to make healthier choices? It takes about 90 days to see and feel results and I’m not talking about weight loss… I’m talking about everything that has to do with health; your sleep, your nutrition, your physical activity, your relationships, your self management skills. Your happiness.

28 of us started back on October 1st and we are re-launching January 31, 2023 with new intentions!

This is the time, after the holiday chaos to take action. This is when we harness the enthusiasm and clarity we feel now in order to create real, lasting changes in our life.

This is our time to be epic.

Questions to consider:
“How can I best sustain myself through the winter and feel great?”
“How would it feel to be really healthy by March 2023?”
“How do I want to FEEL in 60 days?”

It’s our job, no one else's, to direct our energy toward what will ultimately bring us to joy and fulfillment. This is the time of fierce independence and “pioneering” energy, a time when we are called to cast off the superfluous, to break away from the pack, or join our pack;), and go for the goal.

Failing to commit to a clear, energizing path can cause us to start feeling angry, frustrated and resentful. When you are in the grip of this energy, outside obstacles and interference can also feel more frustrating than usual, and you may find yourself feeling more aggressive and determined about busting through them, particularly as you sense that your goal is within reach. That is why we do this in a group setting so that we are with like minded individuals who are committed to their health and feeling good, together. Because #strengthinnumbers

Are you ready to join me on our Epic journey?

We start January 31st, with the goal of carrying our new routines and intentions through the winter into spring. Get prepared, feel epic, and crush a new year like never before.

If you are in, please register now! You will be provided next steps via email and plan to join our first meeting on ZOOM on Sunday, Jan 29th at 10:35am (meeting will be recorded for those who have to miss).

-Daily Habit Tracker
-Weekly ZOOM Group Coaching calls on Sundays at 10:35am with IIN Health Coach, Molly Kieland
-Weekly Accountability
-Education and tips to help you optimize your sleep, nutrition, physical activity, self management skills around routines and so much more!
-And just a whole lotta love and support from our group and me!

I'm so excited to do this with you,
Coach Mol

Molly Kieland