Celebrating our humans: Congrats to Emma on completing 'Simple'!

Perhaps THE MOST well-known kettlebell program for general strength and conditioning, this program was presented by Pavel in his book by the same name, "Simple & Sinister". This program alone has taken many self-proclaimed "zeros" to hero status.

"There are only two moving parts, the swing, and the get-up. No other exercises offer as many all-around benefits in such a tight package."

"To build a superhuman, slow movements and quick lifts are required." The get-up is the ultimate slow lift; the swing is the ultimate quick lift.


  1. Proficient in the Hard Style 1-Arm KB Swing

  2. Proficient in the Hard Style Get Up

The Tasks

  • 100 1-Arm Swings in 5 minutes, completing sets of 10 every 30 seconds.

  • 1 minute REST

  • 10 Get Ups in 10 minutes, alternating sets of 1 per side

The Standards


  • 16kg Get Ups and 24kg Swings for Women

  • 32kg Get Ups and Swings for Men


  • 24kg Get Ups and 32kg Swings for Women

  • 48kg Get Ups and Swings for Men

Molly Kieland