August 2024 Members of the Month: Molly & Matt Simon

Meet August’s Epic Members of the month: Matt and Molly Simon!

This husband and wife duo joined the FUELhouse community in August 2022. They moved to Seattle from D.C., and we are honored that FUELhouse was one of their first stops. ☺️ They kicked off their journey with partner foundations with Coach Dre where they learned the fundamentals. Since then, they’ve both created a consistent routine with group classes and small group programs. Molly participated in the Reset with Coach Molly in 2023, and Matt recently joined Coach Vincent for his Shedded Strength small group. It has been so fun to watch them both grow stronger in their 2 years with us.

Check out what some of the coaches had to say about them…

“They are both so fun to coach! Their consistency and hard work are paying off for sure. Love them!” - Coach Abbey

“Matt is hard working, consistent, and truly dedicated to the game of strength. Molly is a joy to have in class continues to improve every time I see her! A+ students.” - Coach Vincent

“I absolutely loved coaching this duo during their foundations.  Seeing them be so consistent and progress has been awesome to witness!” - Coach Dre

“They both consistently show up and I’ve loved watching the progress they’ve made since they first joined. “ - Coach Kathryn

“They're both bringing great energy through our doors on a regular basis! I love their dedication to the process and the positive attitudes they carry no matter how difficult a session might be!” - Coach Brian

“Both individually have seen how strength can be developed within themselves, which gets them both so excited to try more. Then they try more and do more. Also they are each others biggest supporters :) - Coach Kari

Continue reading to learn more about Molly and Matt in their own words!


Molly Simon

Matthew Simon


Molly: She/Her

Matt: He/Him

Find them on IG:

Molly: @_mz.simon

Matt: @mjsimon91


Molly: Product Manager

Matt: Product Manager

Where can you be found outside of the gym? What do you do for a living?

Molly: Drinking copious amounts of coffee as a technical product manager for Starbucks mobile apps. When I’m not working I can be found walking our pup, Evy around Ballard.

Matt: I am a principal product manager for the simple events team at Cvent.

What are your hobbies?

Molly: Skiing, traveling whenever we can and love to cook!

Matt: Walking our dog, skiing, lots of cooking, and now lifting heavy things and putting them back down

What brought you to FH in the first place?

Molly: We relocated to Seattle from Washington DC two years ago and I found FH before we were even off the plane. It was the perfect fit for what we were looking for.

Matt: Molly and I moved from Washington DC and we were looking for a gym that doubled as a community


How are we so lucky you picked us (what are your favorite things about FH)?

Molly: The people and the workouts are top notch! The coaches are so knowledgeable and attentive no matter your fitness level.

Matt: I have learned an awful lot about kettlebells, barbells, and how to use tension in my lifts


What sports or fitness things did you do before FH?

Molly: Reformer pilates and I taught Pure Barre for 4 years in DC

Matt: Used to run throughout DC and belonged to a traditional gym


What programs are you currently involved in at FH and why? 

Molly: Group classes

Matt: group classes and just completed Vincent's shredded strength program. I want to improve my overall strength and blow past what I thought was possible for myself

What goals are you working towards and/or what’s on your FH bucket list of things you’d like to accomplish?

Molly: Hmm I should really set a goal- I’ll keep ya posted!

Matt: Deadlift 2x my bodyweight (only 25 pounds to go!) and simple and sinister


What makes you commit to training even on days you don't feel like it? 

Molly: Accountability to myself. You’re always only a workout away from a good mood!

Matt: Everyday is an opportunity to work on something


What's your favorite movement/exercise?

Molly: Deadlifts!

Matt: Turkish get ups


What have been your “bright spots” (PRs or accomplishments are you most proud of)?  

Molly: 16kg get ups! Thinking back to the 6 and 8 kg I started with two years ago

Matt: Increasing my deadlift by 120lbs and 24kg get ups

How have these accomplishments affected your life?

Molly: It’s a great feeling to be able to lift something you couldn’t previously

Matt: Carrying groceries have never been so easy

What is on your general bucket list for life?

Molly: Attend Wimbledon finals

Matt: Attend the olympics and go to all four tennis grandslams

Tell us a little known fact about yourself or what’s something most people don’t know about you?

Molly: I make great mocktails- i love trying new recipes

Matt: I have been an extra on Veep


What's your favorite thing about being a FUELhouse member?

Molly: I am always learning something new in class

Matt: I am always learning something new to improve my movements. I have consistently set new personal records because the coaches and my classmates consistently push me to push myself and improve the details


What was your first impression of FH?  How has that changed?

Molly: Then: “Wow everyone is so strong” Now “wow everyone continues to be so strong”

Matt: Everyone was very welcoming and every coach knows your name. This has not changed


What advice do you have for new (or experienced!) new friends trying out FH?

Molly: Stick with it! Ask questions and push yourself (safely of course!)

Matt: Everyone starts with no experience. With an open mind and consistent effort, you’ll be amazed at how much stronger you can become and how far you can exceed your own expectations.

Hayley Magwire