This is your commitment to be EPIC to yourself.

How are your current thoughts, feelings, and behaviours showing up in your daily life?  

Are you “checking all the boxes'' to feel ultimate joy or are you flailing in specific areas of your life: family/relationships, finances, health & fitness, career, spirituality, etc.  Are you feeling lost, unmotivated, out of shape, lethargic, hopeless, unprepared, tired, so distracted you can’t seem to cross one thing off your to do list or are you just needing a little nudge and some accountability to get back on track?

How do you feel currently and how do you want to ultimately feel?  

Do you want to feel joy, confidence, passion, driven, admired, courageous, empowered, strong, youthful, cherished, “more than enough”, resilient, , anchored, renewed, grateful, focused, and mindful. We doubt you answered “no”. Who wouldn’t want to feel this way each day?

Over the course of 30 Days The Epic Human Project (EHP) is guaranteed to make you dig deep, like really deep, to your core.  Our goal is to help you unleash your best self in 2021. We could talk until we’re blue in the face about nutrition and how to get that sexy body you’ve always wanted, blah blah blah, BUT honestly… it ‘effing starts with the space that’s between your ears. Your freaking brain people!

This is a program that can change your life ... starting from the inside. It starts with your thoughts.

Your Feelings + Your Thoughts + Routine = Your Desired Outcome

To unleash your best self it starts with the right mindset (your core desired feelings and thoughts) and a solid daily routine to reach your desired outcome.  For most of us, we’re going to need some time to create or re-create healthy mental habits in order to start seeing the rest of our sh*t come together in a good way.  This is going to be hard.

3 years ago we discovered a common thread and missing piece to the traditional Weight Loss Challenge most gyms launch at the beginning of every year. A missing piece that, in our opinion, is THE foundation of any successful program.


As many of you know several of your FH Coaches have been practicing daily mindset/mental toughness rituals for months. Some for years. A number of you have witnessed and have even been included in our daily gratitude rituals when at the gym.

By just taking anywhere from 20-60 min each morning, we have seen and felt incredible changes on a daily level...

  • more clarity and purpose

  • more motivation to complete tasks

  • consistency behind our training and diet

  • better communication with our co-workers and loved ones

  • greater a sense of accomplishment in multiple facets of our lives

  • less fear and more opportunity

  • better sleep

  • happier

  • overall feeling a greater sense of purpose and love for life on a daily level

The best part, when our sh*t gets thrown off track aka "2020", we know how to press reset instantly and get right back to kicking ass.

Welcome to The EHP,  and congratulations on having the courage to take this meaningful step toward  creating an epic life you truly desire—and deserve.  Our first  step towards the next level of personal  and professional success is usually the most difficult to take, but it’s almost always the most important.  The EHP is inspired by the teachings from Hal Elrod (The Miracle Morning), Danielle LaPorte, Andy Frisella (75 Hard), James Clear (Atomic Habits), and Ink & Volt.

For 30 Days, you will be building a foundation for success in every area of your life, that will change the direction of your life.  By waking up each morning and following your routine, you will begin each day with an extraordinary level of discipline (the crucial ability to get yourself to follow through with your commitments), clarity (the power you’ll generate from focusing on what’s most important to you), and personal development (perhaps the single most determining factor in your overall success, happiness, and quality of life). In other words, during the next 4 weeks you’ll find yourself quickly becoming the person you need to be to create the life you truly desire.  

In addition to developing successful habits, you’ll also be developing the mindset you need to improve your life— both internally and externally. By practicing your routine each day, you’ll be experiencing  the physical, intellectual, emotional, and spiritual benefits of YOUR daily habits. You’ll immediately  feel less stressed, more centered, focused, happier and more excited about your life. You’ll be generating more energy, clarity and motivation to move towards your highest goals and dreams  (especially those you’ve been putting off far too long!) 

Remember, your life situation can and will improve, but only after you invest time each day to develop yourself into the person you need to be to improve it.

Does this end in 30 Days?

That’s up to you.  We hope you’ll continue forward with us as we progress through 2021.  We plan to reassess our routine every 30 days because as we build a strong foundation of good habits it will be important to look back, reflect on lessons we’ve learned, and improve/re-write our routine as we evolve.  And, rest assured we’ll be right here to support you every step of the way beyond this first step.

Have No Fear: You Can Do This! 

If you’re feeling hesitant, or concerned about whether or not you will be able to follow through with  this for 30 days, relax—it’s completely normal to feel that way. This is especially true if waking up in  the morning is something you’ve found challenging in the past. So, it’s not only expected that you would be a bit hesitant or nervous, but it’s actually a sign that you’re really ready to commit  (otherwise you wouldn’t be nervous!)  

We’re excited for you, because we know who you can become and how much growth you can experience in just 30 days- just ask your FH Coaches for their testimonials. The EHP is about you opening yourself up to what’s really possible—venturing out of your comfort zone and being pleasantly surprised by what happens when you do.  You are capable and deserving of EVERYTHING you want for your life, but it’s up to you. Now is YOUR time to begin realizing and tapping into your full potential. 


  • Your Epic Human Project 30-Day Guide (a step by step guide that you will receive on January 7th to begin filling out and that we will finish together in our kick-off meeting.  Step 1 is about reflecting back on 2020 and identifying what went right, lessons learned, and what we do not want to repeat.  Step 2 is about identifying our current levels of happiness in each pillar of life. Step 3 is about establishing new intentions for 2021 based on the pillars of life, and Step 4 is about putting this all into action beginning with a custom-designed 30-day routine.

  • Samples of morning routines provided by your FH Coaches

  • Weekly virtual EHP team meetings (these will be recorded)

  • EPIC HUMAN wristband (your daily reminder to be EPIC to yourself with instructions;)

  • Special guest speakers

  • We recommend finding a planner/journal that works best for you (our recommendations)

  • 30min Check-In with a FH Coach to discuss Phase 2 (around the 25th day)

  • Your own personal EPIC HUMAN 30 Day challenger card! Your challenges will include consistency practices like committing to your workouts, filling out your daily journal, reading, mindset practices, and healthy nutritional habits - as well as additional fun stuff to take your fitness, nutrition, and self-care to the next level.

  • The non-negotiator with the EHP is implementing mindset practices. Yes, we’ll talk about nutrition and fitness but we’re going to focus heavily on where this all begins... the space between your ears.

  • Add on Personal Training, Nutrition Coaching, or Virtual Group Classes to be part of an instant community of epic humans and to stay accountable to your EHP buddies!

It starts by reprogramming our thoughts. Who’s in?

This 30 Day Mission is designed to encourage you to commit to consistency in your workouts and healthy nutrition while prioritizing self-care both in and outside of the gym and a BIG BIG focus will be on mindset and finding YOUR daily ritual that gets you started on the right foot the minute your feet hit the floor.

Your EH Coaches will be sharing all the ways that they set up their day for success. You will receive detailed, step by step, ideas on how to really truly make these 30 days be different than anything you've done before. You will find the top practices that work best for your personality/lifestyle. This is actually the missing component in almost every gym “challenge" in our opinion. Yeah, it's about good nutrition and fitness but it sure doesn't start there... it starts with the right mindset. This is not a one size fits all type of program. You're going to learn what is going to be the right daily practice for you. Yes, we know this sounds woo woo but it’s really what you choose to make it.

We level things up by adding fun "extras" to challenge you to do hard things and nudge you just outside of your comfort zone. The secret sauce? Accountability to your coaches and community, AND the incentive of being a happier, more epic version of yourself by Day 30.

Molly Kieland