12 Days of FUELhouse: December Member Spotlight

For December, instead of spotlighting one member, we decided to go big and highlight 12 members at FUELhouse! Plus, some days you got the bonus of two people! If you missed the posts, head on over to our IG or FB pages to learn more about them and/or keep on reading below. It was so fun to learn a bit more about these fine humans, and it was just as cool to see fellow members commenting on our social media posts saying really cool things about them! We seriously have such an amazing community and are so lucky to be surrounded by such positive uplifting spirits 🤗

When we reached out to these members, we asked them two questions:

  1. What’s your “Why” – Why did/do you choose FH? Why do you show up to your session/class?

  2. What advice do you have for new (or experienced!) friends trying out FH?

Everyone provided such thoughtful responses! Below you can learn a bit about them and read a few quotes pulled from their responses. Happy reading! 😀

12/1/22: Betsey Curran

Betsey has been a member at FUELhouse since September 2019, and we are SO proud to have her as a member. Currently, she is rocking group classes. If we had to sum up Betsey in one word, it would be VIBRANT.

I was lucky enough to have stumbled upon FUELhouse on a walk through the neighborhood. The day I finally wandered in I knew right away that the good vibes and community feel were contagious.”

“The enthusiasm and intention of the fellow members, the amazing coaches, and the warm and inspired way I feel each time I arrive and depart from FH is what keeps me committed.”

Take a moment to say hi to those around you — as it’s the relationships and community that will keep you coming back and wanting to stay accountable to your health and fitness goals.”

12/2/22: Jenn Seva + Mike Wotring

Mike began his journey with us in May 2017 and Jenn was next, starting in January 2019. They are currently rocking group classes and have kicked butt in small group practice like Simple & Sinister camp. We sincerely love when they show up because they are focused and determined each class/session to do their best and learn all the things.

Mike: “I continue showing up because there are so many awesome coaches and other members. It really has become a place of community for me. AND I get to lift (and listen to) heavy metal. I love the support and encouragement for maintaining strength and the ability to be an active person as I get older.”

“All of the coaches bring their own unique energy, and you can learn something new from any of them on any given day in any class.”

Jenn: “FUELhouse is so much more than lifting (and listening to) heavy metal in a building with a cool mural: it is yoga, it is mental health, it is community, it is family, it is my Third Place (besides the first two places of home and work) that supports and greatly enhances how I show up in this world.”

“Lean into all that FuelHouse is. Drink the Kool-Aid: it is good.”

12/3/22: Kathleen + Mark Brown

Kathleen started with us in February 2018, and Mark [cough: finally 😏 ] made his grand debut in January 2020. They both consistently show up, kick butt, and are so much fun to have in class!

“We love the encouragement and community we found at FH. Going to the classes is something to which we both look forward. The coaches are amazing and know their craft. Even if we are trying something new, they are right there with clear instructions and great tips.”

“We love to do anything on skis, water, cross country, skate, downhill, so we need to stay in shape for that and be ready for our as-yet-to-be-conceived-but-expected(!) grandchildren.”
"Just show up. If we feel a little tired or sore, we still show up but back off a bit on the weights or movements and we end up glad we did. In every class you will find people who are great! They will encourage and support you through the initial discomfort.”

12/4/22: Kathleen Wilson

Kathleen started with us in January 2019 and has been kicking butt ever since. She stayed consistent from home virtually when we were shut down, and we're so happy when we get to see her in real life 🤗 Fun fact: did you know Kathleen used to own and run a Montessori school? I bet she was the BEST teacher 😍

“I look forward to the coaches and friends I see in my morning classes and walk home feeling exhilarated. My father always told me to exercise. I ignored him until I was 60. Fifteen years later I honor him every time I walk in the club."
"Everyone has to find what works for their schedule and FUELhouse has a variety of class times and personal coaches that can help ANYBODY to gain strength, stamina, and flexibility. Nothing feels better than getting healthy."

12/5/22: John Wachter

John has been a fearlessly dedicated member of FH since January 2019. We are beyond lucky to have his sister (Ginger) with us as well! John’s energy is truly infectious! He is so much fun to have in class as well as take class with 🤩 Plus, John is our first-ever energy exchange member, so please thank him for working so hard on making FH look so lovely and clean!
"I love the enthusiasm that all the coaches bring out in me. I keep coming back because it feels like my fitness home. Consistency is the most important part of my fitness journey. I set goals, I work on them, sometimes I fall short and sometimes I have great success. The important thing is that I keep showing up and the Fuelhouse keeps embarrassing me as one of their own."
"Embrace this place and make it your own. “…find a time that works for your schedule and make a commitment to be there and do what you can. the rewards will happen."

12/6/22: Casey Brown

Casey is a legit OG member. Been with us since day one, all the way back to June 2015. Casey is consistent, dedicated, attentive and committed to his practice.

“I always look forward to a class or session as it's my time to move, build on a particular skill and get stronger. It also can sometimes help turn a bad day into a good day. And it always feels good to show up and work on my fitness with friends.”

“Before FH, I really had never picked up a kettle bell or a barbell before. And now I can't imagine NOT using them. Don't be afraid to ask questions or ask for modifications if something doesn't feel good. The coaches know how to modify and help you find a movement which works for you.”

…“remember it's also a process. Yeah, there will be days where it may feel really difficult, but stick with it, be patient and soon you'll really start to enjoy yourself and have fun.”

12/7/22: Annie Fitzgerald

We were so lucky when Annie walked through our door at the end of 2021. Annie goes the extra mile every class. You can count on her to dance during rest breaks, complete extra reps, and move around some heavy sh*t 💪

“Not surprisingly FH attracts wonderful people so the community is amazing. People are kind, friendly, supportive, and relaxed. And the space is rad, too."

…“expect to have fun and make connections. Introduce yourself to people, ask questions, and let the trainers know if you want or need to change the prescribed exercises. Focus on movement that feels good to you and on connection - whether it’s to connect to others or to yourself, your body, or your inner state. If you have a goal, let the trainers know that. They are available and will support you to reach it. It’s really all available at FH!"

12/8/22: Chris Beavan + Lesley Wu

Chris Beavan and Lesley Wu! Lesley started with us in November 2021 with personal training with Coach Brian and has since implemented small group training and group classes into her practice. Shortly after, Chris joined her in private and partner training in February 2022. They are sincerely a delight to have in class & it's been so fun watching their skills & strength grow since being with us.

Lesley: "My advice is to find your gym community and build your habit of showing up. Also, all the FH coaches have been welcoming and are great with working around injuries/scaling exercises as needed."

Chris: "My advice would be to go into each training session with an open mind and to ask questions. The trainers at FH are super knowledgeable about a variety of fitness subjects (i.e. form, recovery, lifting strategy etc) and asking questions is a great way to learn."

12/9/22: Adrienne Kishimoto + Jens Brynestad

Adrienne started at FH in July '21 and Jens followed shortly after that November. Jens and Adrienne are both eager to learn and gain strength while maintaining good form. Adrienne is currently working out for two and hasn't let that slow her down. She's constantly pushing herself in class, not wasting a minute. Jens works hard in class and is very coachable. It's been fun to see his progression since starting out with private foundations.

Adrienne: "I chose FH because I wanted to work with experienced coaches and learn more about lifting technique! I frequent the Thursday evening Kettle Bell class and late Friday mornings. I enjoy pushing myself, and have been feeling strong during this pregnancy :)"

“Try the unfamiliar and the new workouts or lifts. Be open to coaching.”

Jens: "I’ve always wanted to become strong but whenever I’ve started training on my own I have had pain in my legs. After starting with fuel house, I’ve pushed myself harder than ever and have no pain because the coaches are so knowledgeable and talented at teaching proper form."

"Enjoy learning good form first before trying to get strong. The coaches here have a wealth of knowledge to help you meet your goals in the healthiest and most efficient way."

12/10/22: Christian Austin + Paige Gilley

Paige started with group classes at the end of 2019 and brought Christian along to partner train with Coach Brian in September 2020. They are dedicated early morning risers inspiring all who see their consistent practice every week.

Christian: “My/our best days are days that start at FH and while I love that I am getting stronger, ultimately I just leave feeling better about myself, and I get to accomplish that feeling with Paige.”

“Make meaningful commitments, whatever that is for you. And remember you are doing it for you, you will feel better, you will make progress, you will be happier for it.  Don't be afraid to try a new movement/exercise. Lastly, slam ball. If you had a rough week and need to take it out at the gym, slam ball.  Plus it's great when there is a piece of equipment so aptly named for what you do with it, perhaps only rivaled by jump rope...” 

Paige: …"what stood out to me most at FH, was how the coaches greeted all the members by name at each class. That sense of community was unique and I quickly learned that people are here to be the strongest version of themselves and to lift others up, wherever they are in their journey. I know when I show up to FH, trust my coach, and push myself to do the work, I'll leave feeling accomplished and strong.”

“Commit! You never regret a workout, especially one where you leave feeling better than when you arrived. Set goals, both short term/long term, and share them with the coaches. Goals will help motivate you to get to the gym, and you will have support as everyone at FH encourages others to succeed.”

12/11/22: Liam Blodgett + Anna Frolova

Anna and Liam started at FH with partner foundations in May 2021, and it has been SO MUCH FUN watching them gain confidence and strength. Since foundations, they've rocked group classes and multiple small group camps & squads. They both show up eager to learn and work so hard it's infectious.

Anna: “FUELhouse creates fun yet challenging workouts for me. I have a hard time making a fitness routine on my own so I love having the coaches make a program for me where I can build my strength. I love the coaches and community at Fuelhouse. Never in my life have I been so motivated to go to the gym and because of that I have never been stronger.”
…"trust the method. The most important part is having the right technique and have some patience with the learning curve. Kettlebells will soon be second nature with enough practice.”

Liam: “I chose FUELhouse because since the first time I came as a guest in 2016 I knew this was a special community. The people are real. The workouts are badass. The vibe is love.”

“I show up because I almost always feel better after class than I did before, because it's fun as hell to throw kettlebells around, because it's satisfying to level up (I'm coming for you, Simple!), because I get to hear choice cuts by Ozzie Osbourne and Beyonce, because I love to watch my spouse (and other classmates) do hard things, because showing up keeps me strong, supple, and sane, and makes me a better citizen.”

“With the loving care and guidance of my coaches, I have worked through great pain and continue to push past plateaus with my strength and mobility. I am eternally grateful to the FH community for helping to enable and enrich my "extra life".

“Embrace the suck. It's fun to be a newb! You have so much opportunity for improvement and growth. Be the clumsy puppy or toddling child, joyfully teetering and falling and tuckering yourself out as you learn to walk and then run. You'll be a big dog soon enough.”

12/12/22: Kat Reuter

Kat has been with us since forever. Kat started with us in 2016 and has been rocking out ever since! Her energy and dedication are infectious! She always goes the extra mile to represent FH in such a positive and inspiring way. See what she has to say about her experience at FH ❤️

“I didn't know how to do anything in the beginning, but found an accountability buddy and kept showing up, trying to learn, and now I am obsessed with this place! I found confidence and strength I didn't know I had, have crushed PRs I never would have dreamed of before, and this has carried over to so many other areas of my life.”

…"the fact that you're welcome, no matter where you are on your fitness journey, is so powerful.”

“FUELhouse is so empowering and it makes me feel like a badass and I am very grateful for this community every day.”

“I love you FUELhouse and YES I AM YELLING!” “Stay Metal!” 

“We are always one decision away from a completely different life, so try them out and I promise you will not regret it. Even if I am having a bad day or am working through an injury, I know I can always get some movement in and some laughs too. It is truly a highlight of my day to get to spend an hour with FUELhouse!”

Hayley Magwire